Box | A box class with integer coordinates |
Cell | A cell |
CellInstArray | A single or array cell instance |
CellMapping | A cell mapping (source to target layout) |
Circuit | Circuits are the basic building blocks of the netlist |
CompoundRegionOperationNode | A base class for compound DRC operations |
CompoundRegionOperationNode::GeometricalOp | This class represents the CompoundRegionOperationNode::GeometricalOp enum |
CompoundRegionOperationNode::LogicalOp | This class represents the CompoundRegionOperationNode::LogicalOp enum |
CompoundRegionOperationNode::ParameterType | This class represents the parameter type enum used in \CompoundRegionOperationNode#new_bbox_filter |
CompoundRegionOperationNode::RatioParameterType | This class represents the parameter type enum used in \CompoundRegionOperationNode#new_ratio_filter |
CompoundRegionOperationNode::ResultType | This class represents the CompoundRegionOperationNode::ResultType enum |
Connectivity | This class specifies connections between different layers. |
CplxTrans | A complex transformation |
DBox | A box class with floating-point coordinates |
DCellInstArray | A single or array cell instance in micrometer units |
DCplxTrans | A complex transformation |
DEdge | An edge class |
DEdgePair | An edge pair (a pair of two edges) |
DPath | A path class |
DPoint | A point class with double (floating-point) coordinates |
DPolygon | A polygon class |
DSimplePolygon | A simple polygon class |
DText | A text object |
DTrans | A simple transformation |
DVector | A vector class with double (floating-point) coordinates |
DeepShapeStore | An opaque layout heap for the deep region processor |
Device | A device inside a circuit. |
DeviceAbstract | A geometrical device abstract |
DeviceAbstractRef | Describes an additional device abstract reference for combined devices. |
DeviceClass | A class describing a specific type of device. |
DeviceClassBJT3Transistor | A device class for a bipolar transistor. |
DeviceClassBJT4Transistor | A device class for a 4-terminal bipolar transistor. |
DeviceClassCapacitor | A device class for a capacitor. |
DeviceClassCapacitorWithBulk | A device class for a capacitor with a bulk terminal (substrate, well). |
DeviceClassDiode | A device class for a diode. |
DeviceClassFactory | A factory for creating specific device classes for the standard device extractors |
DeviceClassInductor | A device class for an inductor. |
DeviceClassMOS3Transistor | A device class for a 3-terminal MOS transistor. |
DeviceClassMOS4Transistor | A device class for a 4-terminal MOS transistor. |
DeviceClassResistor | A device class for a resistor. |
DeviceClassResistorWithBulk | A device class for a resistor with a bulk terminal (substrate, well). |
DeviceExtractorBJT3Transistor | A device extractor for a bipolar transistor (BJT) |
DeviceExtractorBJT4Transistor | A device extractor for a four-terminal bipolar transistor (BJT) |
DeviceExtractorBase | The base class for all device extractors. |
DeviceExtractorCapacitor | A device extractor for a two-terminal capacitor |
DeviceExtractorCapacitorWithBulk | A device extractor for a capacitor with a bulk terminal |
DeviceExtractorDiode | A device extractor for a planar diode |
DeviceExtractorMOS3Transistor | A device extractor for a three-terminal MOS transistor |
DeviceExtractorMOS4Transistor | A device extractor for a four-terminal MOS transistor |
DeviceExtractorResistor | A device extractor for a two-terminal resistor |
DeviceExtractorResistorWithBulk | A device extractor for a resistor with a bulk terminal |
DeviceParameterDefinition | A parameter descriptor |
DeviceReconnectedTerminal | Describes a terminal rerouting in combined devices. |
DeviceTerminalDefinition | A terminal descriptor |
Edge | An edge class |
EdgeFilter | A generic edge filter adaptor |
EdgeMode | This class represents the edge mode type for \Region#edges. |
EdgeNeighborhoodVisitor | A visitor for the neighborhood of edges in the input |
EdgeOperator | A generic edge-to-polygon operator |
EdgePair | An edge pair (a pair of two edges) |
EdgePairFilter | A generic edge pair filter adaptor |
EdgePairOperator | A generic edge-pair operator |
EdgePairToEdgeOperator | A generic edge-pair-to-edge operator |
EdgePairToPolygonOperator | A generic edge-pair-to-polygon operator |
EdgePairs | EdgePairs (a collection of edge pairs) |
EdgeProcessor | The edge processor (boolean, sizing, merge) |
EdgeToEdgePairOperator | A generic edge-to-edge-pair operator |
EdgeToPolygonOperator | A generic edge-to-polygon operator |
Edges | A collection of edges (Not necessarily describing closed contours) |
Edges::EdgeType | This enum specifies the edge type for edge angle filters. |
EqualDeviceParameters | A device parameter equality comparer. |
GenericDeviceCombiner | A class implementing the combination of two devices (parallel or serial mode). |
GenericDeviceExtractor | The basic class for implementing custom device extractors. |
GenericDeviceParameterCompare | A class implementing the comparison of device parameters. |
GenericNetlistCompareLogger | An event receiver for the netlist compare feature. |
HAlign | This class represents the horizontal alignment modes. |
ICplxTrans | A complex transformation |
IMatrix2d | A 2d matrix object used mainly for representing rotation and shear transformations (integer coordinate version). |
IMatrix3d | A 3d matrix object used mainly for representing rotation, shear, displacement and perspective transformations (integer coordinate version). |
InstElement | An element in an instantiation path |
Instance | An instance proxy |
LEFDEFReaderConfiguration | Detailed LEF/DEF reader options |
LayerInfo | A structure encapsulating the layer properties |
LayerMap | An object representing an arbitrary mapping of physical layers to logical layers |
LayerMapping | A layer mapping (source to target layout) |
Layout | The layout object |
LayoutDiff | The layout compare tool |
LayoutMetaInfo | A piece of layout meta information |
LayoutQuery | A layout query |
LayoutQueryIterator | Provides the results of the query |
LayoutToNetlist | A framework for extracting netlists from layouts |
LayoutToNetlist::BuildNetHierarchyMode | This class represents the LayoutToNetlist::BuildNetHierarchyMode enum |
LayoutVsSchematic | A generic framework for doing LVS (layout vs. schematic) |
Library | A Library |
LoadLayoutOptions | Layout reader options |
LoadLayoutOptions::CellConflictResolution | This enum specifies how cell conflicts are handled if a layout read into another layout and a cell name conflict arises. |
LogEntryData | A generic log entry |
Manager | A transaction manager class |
Matrix2d | A 2d matrix object used mainly for representing rotation and shear transformations. |
Matrix3d | A 3d matrix object used mainly for representing rotation, shear, displacement and perspective transformations. |
Metrics | This class represents the metrics type for \Region#width and related checks. |
Net | A single net. |
NetElement | A net element for the NetTracer net tracing facility |
NetPinRef | A connection to an outgoing pin of the circuit. |
NetSubcircuitPinRef | A connection to a pin of a subcircuit. |
NetTerminalRef | A connection to a terminal of a device. |
NetTracer | The net tracer feature |
NetTracerConnectionInfo | Represents a single connection info line for the net tracer technology definition |
NetTracerConnectivity | A connectivity description for the net tracer |
NetTracerSymbolInfo | Represents a single symbol info line for the net tracer technology definition |
NetTracerTechnologyComponent | Represents the technology information for the net tracer. |
Netlist | The netlist top-level class |
NetlistCompareLogger | A base class for netlist comparer event receivers |
NetlistComparer | Compares two netlists |
NetlistCrossReference | Represents the identity mapping between the objects of two netlists. |
NetlistCrossReference::CircuitPairData | A circuit match entry. |
NetlistCrossReference::DevicePairData | A device match entry. |
NetlistCrossReference::NetPairData | A net match entry. |
NetlistCrossReference::NetPinRefPair | A match entry for a net pin pair. |
NetlistCrossReference::NetSubcircuitPinRefPair | A match entry for a net subcircuit pin pair. |
NetlistCrossReference::NetTerminalRefPair | A match entry for a net terminal pair. |
NetlistCrossReference::PinPairData | A pin match entry. |
NetlistCrossReference::Status | This class represents the NetlistCrossReference::Status enum |
NetlistCrossReference::SubCircuitPairData | A subcircuit match entry. |
NetlistDeviceExtractorLayerDefinition | Describes a layer used in the device extraction |
NetlistObject | The base class for some netlist objects. |
NetlistReader | Base class for netlist readers |
NetlistSpiceReader | Implements a netlist Reader for the SPICE format. |
NetlistSpiceReaderDelegate | Provides a delegate for the SPICE reader for translating device statements |
NetlistSpiceWriter | Implements a netlist writer for the SPICE format. |
NetlistSpiceWriterDelegate | Provides a delegate for the SPICE writer for doing special formatting for devices |
NetlistWriter | Base class for netlist writers |
PCellDeclaration | A PCell declaration providing the parameters and code to produce the PCell |
PCellDeclarationHelper | A helper class to simplify the declaration of a PCell (Python version) |
PCellDeclarationHelper | A helper class to simplify the declaration of a PCell (Ruby version) |
PCellParameterDeclaration | A PCell parameter declaration |
PCellParameterState | Provides access to the attributes of a single parameter within \PCellParameterStates. |
PCellParameterState::ParameterStateIcon | This enum specifies the icon shown next to the parameter in PCell parameter list. |
PCellParameterStates | Provides access to the parameter states inside a 'callback' implementation of a PCell |
ParentInstArray | A parent instance |
ParseElementComponentsData | Supplies the return value for \NetlistSpiceReaderDelegate#parse_element_components. |
ParseElementData | Supplies the return value for \NetlistSpiceReaderDelegate#parse_element. |
Path | A path class |
Pin | A pin of a circuit. |
Point | An integer point class |
Polygon | A polygon class |
PolygonFilter | A generic polygon filter adaptor |
PolygonOperator | A generic polygon operator |
PolygonToEdgeOperator | A generic polygon-to-edge operator |
PolygonToEdgePairOperator | A generic polygon-to-edge-pair operator |
PreferredOrientation | This class represents the PreferredOrientation enum used within polygon decomposition |
PropertyConstraint | This class represents the property constraint for boolean and check functions. |
RecursiveInstanceIterator | An iterator delivering instances recursively |
RecursiveShapeIterator | An iterator delivering shapes recursively |
Region | A region (a potentially complex area consisting of multiple polygons) |
Region::OppositeFilter | This class represents the opposite error filter mode for \Region#separation and related checks. |
Region::RectFilter | This class represents the error filter mode on rectangles for \Region#separation and related checks. |
SaveLayoutOptions | Options for saving layouts |
Severity | This enum specifies the severity level for log entries. |
Shape | An object representing a shape in the layout database |
ShapeCollection | A base class for the shape collections (\Region, \Edges, \EdgePairs and \Texts) |
ShapeProcessor | The shape processor (boolean, sizing, merge on shapes) |
Shapes | A collection of shapes |
SimplePolygon | A simple polygon class |
SubCircuit | A subcircuit inside a circuit. |
Technology | Represents a technology |
TechnologyComponent | A part of a technology definition |
Text | A text object |
TextFilter | A generic text filter adaptor |
TextGenerator | A text generator class |
TextOperator | A generic text operator |
TextToPolygonOperator | A generic text-to-polygon operator |
Texts | Texts (a collection of texts) |
TileOutputReceiver | A receiver abstraction for the tiling processor. |
TilingProcessor | A processor for layout which distributes tasks over tiles |
Trans | A simple transformation |
TrapezoidDecompositionMode | This class represents the TrapezoidDecompositionMode enum used within trapezoid decomposition |
Utils | This namespace provides a collection of utility functions |
VAlign | This class represents the vertical alignment modes. |
VCplxTrans | A complex transformation |
Vector | A integer vector class |
ZeroDistanceMode | This class represents the zero_distance_mode type for \Region#width and related checks. |