KLayout 0.29.11 (2025-01-22 ccae17f08) [master]

API reference - Class CplxTrans

Notation used in Ruby API documentation

Module: db

Description: A complex transformation

A complex transformation provides magnification, mirroring at the x-axis, rotation by an arbitrary angle and a displacement. This is also the order, the operations are applied. This version can transform integer-coordinate objects into floating-point coordinate objects. This is the generic and exact case, for example for non-integer magnifications.

Complex transformations are extensions of the simple transformation classes (Trans or DTrans in that case) and behave similar.

Transformations can be used to transform points or other objects. Transformations can be combined with the '*' operator to form the transformation which is equivalent to applying the second and then the first. Here is some code:

# Create a transformation that applies a magnification of 1.5, a rotation by 90 degree
# and displacement of 10 in x and 20 units in y direction:
t = RBA::DCplxTrans::new(1.5, 90, false, 10.0, 20.0)
t.to_s            # r90 *1.5 10,20
# compute the inverse:
t.inverted.to_s   # r270 *0.666666667 -13,7
# Combine with another displacement (applied after that):
(RBA::DCplxTrans::new(5, 5) * t).to_s    # r90 *1.5 15,25
# Transform a point:
t.trans(RBA::DPoint::new(100, 200)).to_s # -290,170

The inverse type of the CplxTrans type is VCplxTrans which will transform floating-point to integer coordinate objects. Transformations of CplxTrans type can be concatenated (operator *) with either itself or with transformations of compatible input or output type. This means, the operator CplxTrans * ICplxTrans is allowed (output types of ICplxTrans and input of CplxTrans are identical) while CplxTrans * DCplxTrans is not. See The Database API for more details about the database objects.

Public constructors

new CplxTrans ptrnew(const DCplxTrans trans,
double dbu = 1)
Creates an integer-to-floating-point coordinate transformation from another coordinate flavour
new CplxTrans ptrnew(const ICplxTrans trans,
double dbu = 1)
Creates an integer-to-floating-point coordinate transformation from another coordinate flavour
new CplxTrans ptrnew(const VCplxTrans trans,
double dbu = 1)
Creates an integer-to-floating-point coordinate transformation from another coordinate flavour
new CplxTrans ptrnewCreates a unit transformation
new CplxTrans ptrnew(const CplxTrans c,
double mag = 1,
const DVector u = 0,0)
Creates a transformation from another transformation plus a magnification and displacement
new CplxTrans ptrnew(const CplxTrans c,
double mag = 1,
double x = 0,
double y = 0)
Creates a transformation from another transformation plus a magnification and displacement
new CplxTrans ptrnew(double x,
double y)
Creates a transformation from a x and y displacement
new CplxTrans ptrnew(const Trans t,
double mag = 1)
Creates a transformation from a simple transformation and a magnification
new CplxTrans ptrnew(const DVector u)Creates a transformation from a displacement
new CplxTrans ptrnew(double mag = 1,
double rot = 0,
bool mirrx = false,
const DVector u = 0,0)
Creates a transformation using magnification, angle, mirror flag and displacement
new CplxTrans ptrnew(double mag = 1,
double rot = 0,
bool mirrx = false,
double x = 0,
double y = 0)
Creates a transformation using magnification, angle, mirror flag and displacement

Public methods

[const]bool!=(const CplxTrans other)Tests for inequality
[const]DCplxTrans*(const VCplxTrans t)Multiplication (concatenation) of transformations
[const]CplxTrans*(const ICplxTrans t)Multiplication (concatenation) of transformations
[const]double*(long d)Transforms a single distance
[const]DPoint*(const Point p)Transforms a point
[const]DVector*(const Vector p)Transforms a vector
[const]DBox*(const Box box)Transforms a box
[const]DEdge*(const Edge edge)Transforms an edge
[const]DPolygon*(const Polygon polygon)Transforms a polygon
[const]DPath*(const Path path)Transforms a path
[const]DText*(const Text text)Transforms a text
[const]CplxTrans*(const CplxTrans t)Returns the concatenated transformation
[const]bool<(const CplxTrans other)Provides a 'less' criterion for sorting
[const]bool==(const CplxTrans other)Tests for equality
[const]CplxTrans ptr_const_castReturns a non-const reference to self.
void_createEnsures the C++ object is created
void_destroyExplicitly destroys the object
[const]bool_destroyed?Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed
[const]bool_is_const_object?Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference
void_manageMarks the object as managed by the script side.
void_unmanageMarks the object as no longer owned by the script side.
[const]doubleangleGets the angle
voidangle=(double a)Sets the angle
voidassign(const CplxTrans other)Assigns another object to self
[const]doublectrans(long d)Transforms a single distance
[const]DVectordispGets the displacement
voiddisp=(const DVector u)Sets the displacement
[const]new CplxTrans ptrdupCreates a copy of self
[const]unsigned longhashComputes a hash value
CplxTransinvertInverts the transformation (in place)
[const]VCplxTransinvertedReturns the inverted transformation
[const]boolis_complex?Returns true if the transformation is a complex one
[const]boolis_mag?Tests, if the transformation is a magnifying one
[const]boolis_mirror?Gets the mirror flag
[const]boolis_ortho?Tests, if the transformation is an orthogonal transformation
[const]boolis_unity?Tests, whether this is a unit transformation
[const]doublemagGets the magnification
voidmag=(double m)Sets the magnification
voidmirror=(bool m)Sets the mirror flag
[const]introtReturns the respective simple transformation equivalent rotation code if possible
[const]Transs_transExtracts the simple transformation part
[const]stringto_s(bool lazy = false,
double dbu = 0)
String conversion
[const]DPointtrans(const Point p)Transforms a point
[const]DVectortrans(const Vector p)Transforms a vector
[const]DBoxtrans(const Box box)Transforms a box
[const]DEdgetrans(const Edge edge)Transforms an edge
[const]DPolygontrans(const Polygon polygon)Transforms a polygon
[const]DPathtrans(const Path path)Transforms a path
[const]DTexttrans(const Text text)Transforms a text

Public static methods and constants

CplxTransM0A constant giving "mirrored at the x-axis" transformation
CplxTransM135A constant giving "mirrored at the 135 degree axis" transformation
CplxTransM45A constant giving "mirrored at the 45 degree axis" transformation
CplxTransM90A constant giving "mirrored at the y (90 degree) axis" transformation
CplxTransR0A constant giving "unrotated" (unit) transformation
CplxTransR180A constant giving "rotated by 180 degree counterclockwise" transformation
CplxTransR270A constant giving "rotated by 270 degree counterclockwise" transformation
CplxTransR90A constant giving "rotated by 90 degree counterclockwise" transformation
new CplxTrans ptrfrom_s(string s)Creates an object from a string

Deprecated methods (protected, public, static, non-static and constructors)

voidcreateUse of this method is deprecated. Use _create instead
voiddestroyUse of this method is deprecated. Use _destroy instead
[const]booldestroyed?Use of this method is deprecated. Use _destroyed? instead
[static]new CplxTrans ptrfrom_dtrans(const DCplxTrans trans,
double dbu = 1)
Use of this method is deprecated. Use new instead
[const]boolis_const_object?Use of this method is deprecated. Use _is_const_object? instead
[const]ICplxTransto_itrans(double dbu = 1)Use of this method is deprecated
[const]DCplxTransto_trans(double dbu = 1)Use of this method is deprecated
[const]VCplxTransto_vtrans(double dbu = 1)Use of this method is deprecated

Detailed description


Signature: [const] bool != (const CplxTrans other)

Description: Tests for inequality


(1) Signature: [const] DCplxTrans * (const VCplxTrans t)

Description: Multiplication (concatenation) of transformations

t:The transformation to apply before
Returns:The modified transformation

The * operator returns self*t ("t is applied before this transformation").

(2) Signature: [const] CplxTrans * (const ICplxTrans t)

Description: Multiplication (concatenation) of transformations

t:The transformation to apply before
Returns:The modified transformation

The * operator returns self*t ("t is applied before this transformation").

(3) Signature: [const] double * (long d)

Description: Transforms a single distance

d:The distance to transform
Returns:The transformed distance

The "ctrans" method transforms the given distance. This is equivalent to multiplying with the magnification. For the simple transformations, there is no magnification and no modification of the distance.

The product '*' has been added as a synonym in version 0.28. The distance can be signed since version 0.29.3.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(4) Signature: [const] DPoint * (const Point p)

Description: Transforms a point

p:The point to transform
Returns:The transformed point

The "trans" method or the * operator transforms the given point. q = t(p)

The * operator has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(5) Signature: [const] DVector * (const Vector p)

Description: Transforms a vector

v:The vector to transform
Returns:The transformed vector

The "trans" method or the * operator transforms the given vector. w = t(v)

Vector transformation has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(6) Signature: [const] DBox * (const Box box)

Description: Transforms a box

box:The box to transform
Returns:The transformed box

't*box' or 't.trans(box)' is equivalent to box.transformed(t).

This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(7) Signature: [const] DEdge * (const Edge edge)

Description: Transforms an edge

edge:The edge to transform
Returns:The transformed edge

't*edge' or 't.trans(edge)' is equivalent to edge.transformed(t).

This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(8) Signature: [const] DPolygon * (const Polygon polygon)

Description: Transforms a polygon

polygon:The polygon to transform
Returns:The transformed polygon

't*polygon' or 't.trans(polygon)' is equivalent to polygon.transformed(t).

This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(9) Signature: [const] DPath * (const Path path)

Description: Transforms a path

path:The path to transform
Returns:The transformed path

't*path' or 't.trans(path)' is equivalent to path.transformed(t).

This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(10) Signature: [const] DText * (const Text text)

Description: Transforms a text

text:The text to transform
Returns:The transformed text

't*text' or 't.trans(text)' is equivalent to text.transformed(t).

This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(11) Signature: [const] CplxTrans * (const CplxTrans t)

Description: Returns the concatenated transformation

t:The transformation to apply before
Returns:The modified transformation

The * operator returns self*t ("t is applied before this transformation").


Signature: [const] bool < (const CplxTrans other)

Description: Provides a 'less' criterion for sorting

This method is provided to implement a sorting order. The definition of 'less' is opaque and might change in future versions.


Signature: [const] bool == (const CplxTrans other)

Description: Tests for equality


Signature: [static] CplxTrans M0

Description: A constant giving "mirrored at the x-axis" transformation

The previous integer constant has been turned into a transformation in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'M0'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static] CplxTrans M135

Description: A constant giving "mirrored at the 135 degree axis" transformation

The previous integer constant has been turned into a transformation in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'M135'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static] CplxTrans M45

Description: A constant giving "mirrored at the 45 degree axis" transformation

The previous integer constant has been turned into a transformation in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'M45'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static] CplxTrans M90

Description: A constant giving "mirrored at the y (90 degree) axis" transformation

The previous integer constant has been turned into a transformation in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'M90'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static] CplxTrans R0

Description: A constant giving "unrotated" (unit) transformation

The previous integer constant has been turned into a transformation in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'R0'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static] CplxTrans R180

Description: A constant giving "rotated by 180 degree counterclockwise" transformation

The previous integer constant has been turned into a transformation in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'R180'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static] CplxTrans R270

Description: A constant giving "rotated by 270 degree counterclockwise" transformation

The previous integer constant has been turned into a transformation in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'R270'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static] CplxTrans R90

Description: A constant giving "rotated by 90 degree counterclockwise" transformation

The previous integer constant has been turned into a transformation in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'R90'. This is the getter.


Signature: [const] CplxTrans ptr _const_cast

Description: Returns a non-const reference to self.

Basically, this method allows turning a const object reference to a non-const one. This method is provided as last resort to remove the constness from an object. Usually there is a good reason for a const object reference, so using this method may have undesired side effects.

This method has been introduced in version 0.29.6.


Signature: void _create

Description: Ensures the C++ object is created

Use this method to ensure the C++ object is created, for example to ensure that resources are allocated. Usually C++ objects are created on demand and not necessarily when the script object is created.


Signature: void _destroy

Description: Explicitly destroys the object

Explicitly destroys the object on C++ side if it was owned by the script interpreter. Subsequent access to this object will throw an exception. If the object is not owned by the script, this method will do nothing.


Signature: [const] bool _destroyed?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed

This method returns true, if the object was destroyed, either explicitly or by the C++ side. The latter may happen, if the object is owned by a C++ object which got destroyed itself.


Signature: [const] bool _is_const_object?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference

This method returns true, if self is a const reference. In that case, only const methods may be called on self.


Signature: void _manage

Description: Marks the object as managed by the script side.

After calling this method on an object, the script side will be responsible for the management of the object. This method may be called if an object is returned from a C++ function and the object is known not to be owned by any C++ instance. If necessary, the script side may delete the object if the script's reference is no longer required.

Usually it's not required to call this method. It has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: void _unmanage

Description: Marks the object as no longer owned by the script side.

Calling this method will make this object no longer owned by the script's memory management. Instead, the object must be managed in some other way. Usually this method may be called if it is known that some C++ object holds and manages this object. Technically speaking, this method will turn the script's reference into a weak reference. After the script engine decides to delete the reference, the object itself will still exist. If the object is not managed otherwise, memory leaks will occur.

Usually it's not required to call this method. It has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: [const] double angle

Description: Gets the angle

Returns:The rotation angle this transformation provides in degree units (0..360 deg).

Note that the simple transformation returns the angle in units of 90 degree. Hence for a simple trans (i.e. Trans), a rotation angle of 180 degree delivers a value of 2 for the angle attribute. The complex transformation, supporting any rotation angle returns the angle in degree.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'angle'. This is the getter.


Signature: void angle= (double a)

Description: Sets the angle

a:The new angle

See angle for a description of that attribute.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'angle'. This is the setter.


Signature: void assign (const CplxTrans other)

Description: Assigns another object to self


Signature: void create

Description: Ensures the C++ object is created

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _create instead

Use this method to ensure the C++ object is created, for example to ensure that resources are allocated. Usually C++ objects are created on demand and not necessarily when the script object is created.


Signature: [const] double ctrans (long d)

Description: Transforms a single distance

d:The distance to transform
Returns:The transformed distance

The "ctrans" method transforms the given distance. This is equivalent to multiplying with the magnification. For the simple transformations, there is no magnification and no modification of the distance.

The product '*' has been added as a synonym in version 0.28. The distance can be signed since version 0.29.3.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.


Signature: void destroy

Description: Explicitly destroys the object

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _destroy instead

Explicitly destroys the object on C++ side if it was owned by the script interpreter. Subsequent access to this object will throw an exception. If the object is not owned by the script, this method will do nothing.


Signature: [const] bool destroyed?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _destroyed? instead

This method returns true, if the object was destroyed, either explicitly or by the C++ side. The latter may happen, if the object is owned by a C++ object which got destroyed itself.


Signature: [const] DVector disp

Description: Gets the displacement

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'disp'. This is the getter.


Signature: void disp= (const DVector u)

Description: Sets the displacement

u:The new displacement

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'disp'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] new CplxTrans ptr dup

Description: Creates a copy of self

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__copy__' and '__deepcopy__'.


Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr from_dtrans (const DCplxTrans trans, double dbu = 1)

Description: Creates an integer-to-floating-point coordinate transformation from another coordinate flavour

Use of this method is deprecated. Use new instead

The 'dbu' argument is used to transform the input space from floating-point units to integer units. Formally, the CplxTrans transformation is initialized with 'trans * from_dbu' where 'from_dbu' is the transformation into micrometer space, or more precisely 'CplxTrans(mag=dbu)'.

This constructor has been introduced in version 0.25. The 'dbu' argument has been added in version 0.29.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.


Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr from_s (string s)

Description: Creates an object from a string

Creates the object from a string representation (as returned by to_s)

This method has been added in version 0.23.


Signature: [const] unsigned long hash

Description: Computes a hash value

Returns a hash value for the given transformation. This method enables transformations as hash keys.

This method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method is also available as 'hash(object)'.


Signature: CplxTrans invert

Description: Inverts the transformation (in place)

Returns:The inverted transformation

Inverts the transformation and replaces this transformation by its inverted one.


Signature: [const] VCplxTrans inverted

Description: Returns the inverted transformation

Returns:The inverted transformation

Returns the inverted transformation. This method does not modify the transformation.


Signature: [const] bool is_complex?

Description: Returns true if the transformation is a complex one

If this predicate is false, the transformation can safely be converted to a simple transformation. Otherwise, this conversion will be lossy. The predicate value is equivalent to 'is_mag || !is_ortho'.

This method has been introduced in version 0.27.5.


Signature: [const] bool is_const_object?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _is_const_object? instead

This method returns true, if self is a const reference. In that case, only const methods may be called on self.


Signature: [const] bool is_mag?

Description: Tests, if the transformation is a magnifying one

This is the recommended test for checking if the transformation represents a magnification.


Signature: [const] bool is_mirror?

Description: Gets the mirror flag

If this property is true, the transformation is composed of a mirroring at the x-axis followed by a rotation by the angle given by the angle property.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'mirror'. This is the getter.


Signature: [const] bool is_ortho?

Description: Tests, if the transformation is an orthogonal transformation

If the rotation is by a multiple of 90 degree, this method will return true.


Signature: [const] bool is_unity?

Description: Tests, whether this is a unit transformation


Signature: [const] double mag

Description: Gets the magnification

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'mag'. This is the getter.


Signature: void mag= (double m)

Description: Sets the magnification

m:The new magnification

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'mag'. This is the setter.


Signature: void mirror= (bool m)

Description: Sets the mirror flag

m:The new mirror flag

"mirroring" describes a reflection at the x-axis which is included in the transformation prior to rotation.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'mirror'. This is the setter.


(1) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new (const DCplxTrans trans, double dbu = 1)

Description: Creates an integer-to-floating-point coordinate transformation from another coordinate flavour

The 'dbu' argument is used to transform the input space from floating-point units to integer units. Formally, the CplxTrans transformation is initialized with 'trans * from_dbu' where 'from_dbu' is the transformation into micrometer space, or more precisely 'CplxTrans(mag=dbu)'.

This constructor has been introduced in version 0.25. The 'dbu' argument has been added in version 0.29.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(2) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new (const ICplxTrans trans, double dbu = 1)

Description: Creates an integer-to-floating-point coordinate transformation from another coordinate flavour

The 'dbu' argument is used to transform the output space from integer units to floating-point units. Formally, the CplxTrans transformation is initialized with 'from_dbu * trans' where 'from_dbu' is the transformation into micrometer space, or more precisely 'CplxTrans(mag=dbu)'.

This constructor has been introduced in version 0.25. The 'dbu' argument has been added in version 0.29.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(3) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new (const VCplxTrans trans, double dbu = 1)

Description: Creates an integer-to-floating-point coordinate transformation from another coordinate flavour

The 'dbu' argument is used to transform the input and output space from integer units to floating-point units and vice versa. Formally, the DCplxTrans transformation is initialized with 'from_dbu * trans * from_dbu' where 'from_dbu' is the transformation into micrometer space, or more precisely 'CplxTrans(mag=dbu)'.

This constructor has been introduced in version 0.25. The 'dbu' argument has been added in version 0.29.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(4) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new

Description: Creates a unit transformation

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(5) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new (const CplxTrans c, double mag = 1, const DVector u = 0,0)

Description: Creates a transformation from another transformation plus a magnification and displacement

c:The original transformation
u:The Additional displacement

Creates a new transformation from a existing transformation. This constructor is provided for creating duplicates and backward compatibility since the constants are transformations now. It will copy the original transformation and add the given displacement.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(6) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new (const CplxTrans c, double mag = 1, double x = 0, double y = 0)

Description: Creates a transformation from another transformation plus a magnification and displacement

c:The original transformation
x:The Additional displacement (x)
y:The Additional displacement (y)

Creates a new transformation from a existing transformation. This constructor is provided for creating duplicates and backward compatibility since the constants are transformations now. It will copy the original transformation and add the given displacement.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(7) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new (double x, double y)

Description: Creates a transformation from a x and y displacement

x:The x displacement
y:The y displacement

This constructor will create a transformation with the specified displacement but no rotation.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(8) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new (const Trans t, double mag = 1)

Description: Creates a transformation from a simple transformation and a magnification

Creates a magnifying transformation from a simple transformation and a magnification.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(9) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new (const DVector u)

Description: Creates a transformation from a displacement

Creates a transformation with a displacement only.

This method has been added in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(10) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new (double mag = 1, double rot = 0, bool mirrx = false, const DVector u = 0,0)

Description: Creates a transformation using magnification, angle, mirror flag and displacement

mag:The magnification
rot:The rotation angle in units of degree
mirrx:True, if mirrored at x axis
u:The displacement

The sequence of operations is: magnification, mirroring at x axis, rotation, application of displacement.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(11) Signature: [static] new CplxTrans ptr new (double mag = 1, double rot = 0, bool mirrx = false, double x = 0, double y = 0)

Description: Creates a transformation using magnification, angle, mirror flag and displacement

mag:The magnification
rot:The rotation angle in units of degree
mirrx:True, if mirrored at x axis
x:The x displacement
y:The y displacement

The sequence of operations is: magnification, mirroring at x axis, rotation, application of displacement.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.


Signature: [const] int rot

Description: Returns the respective simple transformation equivalent rotation code if possible

If this transformation is orthogonal (is_ortho () == true), then this method will return the corresponding fixpoint transformation, not taking into account magnification and displacement. If the transformation is not orthogonal, the result reflects the quadrant the rotation goes into.


Signature: [const] Trans s_trans

Description: Extracts the simple transformation part

The simple transformation part does not reflect magnification or arbitrary angles. Rotation angles are rounded down to multiples of 90 degree. Magnification is fixed to 1.0.


Signature: [const] ICplxTrans to_itrans (double dbu = 1)

Description: Converts the transformation to another transformation with integer input and output coordinates

Use of this method is deprecated

This method is redundant with the conversion constructors. Instead of 'to_itrans' use the conversion constructor:

itrans = RBA::ICplxTrans::new(trans, dbu)

This method has been introduced in version 0.25 and was deprecated in version 0.29.


Signature: [const] string to_s (bool lazy = false, double dbu = 0)

Description: String conversion

If 'lazy' is true, some parts are omitted when not required. If a DBU is given, the output units will be micrometers.

The lazy and DBU arguments have been added in version 0.27.6.

Python specific notes:
This method is also available as 'str(object)'.


Signature: [const] DCplxTrans to_trans (double dbu = 1)

Description: Converts the transformation to another transformation with floating-point input coordinates

Use of this method is deprecated

This method is redundant with the conversion constructors. Instead of 'to_trans' use the conversion constructor:

dtrans = RBA::DCplxTrans::new(trans, dbu)

This method has been introduced in version 0.25 and was deprecated in version 0.29.


Signature: [const] VCplxTrans to_vtrans (double dbu = 1)

Description: Converts the transformation to another transformation with integer output and floating-point input coordinates

Use of this method is deprecated

This method is redundant with the conversion constructors. Instead of 'to_vtrans' use the conversion constructor:

vtrans = RBA::VCplxTrans::new(trans, dbu)

This method has been introduced in version 0.25 and was deprecated in version 0.29.


(1) Signature: [const] DPoint trans (const Point p)

Description: Transforms a point

p:The point to transform
Returns:The transformed point

The "trans" method or the * operator transforms the given point. q = t(p)

The * operator has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(2) Signature: [const] DVector trans (const Vector p)

Description: Transforms a vector

v:The vector to transform
Returns:The transformed vector

The "trans" method or the * operator transforms the given vector. w = t(v)

Vector transformation has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(3) Signature: [const] DBox trans (const Box box)

Description: Transforms a box

box:The box to transform
Returns:The transformed box

't*box' or 't.trans(box)' is equivalent to box.transformed(t).

This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(4) Signature: [const] DEdge trans (const Edge edge)

Description: Transforms an edge

edge:The edge to transform
Returns:The transformed edge

't*edge' or 't.trans(edge)' is equivalent to edge.transformed(t).

This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(5) Signature: [const] DPolygon trans (const Polygon polygon)

Description: Transforms a polygon

polygon:The polygon to transform
Returns:The transformed polygon

't*polygon' or 't.trans(polygon)' is equivalent to polygon.transformed(t).

This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(6) Signature: [const] DPath trans (const Path path)

Description: Transforms a path

path:The path to transform
Returns:The transformed path

't*path' or 't.trans(path)' is equivalent to path.transformed(t).

This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.

(7) Signature: [const] DText trans (const Text text)

Description: Transforms a text

text:The text to transform
Returns:The transformed text

't*text' or 't.trans(text)' is equivalent to text.transformed(t).

This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.25.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__rmul__'.