KLayout 0.29.11 (2025-01-22 ccae17f08) [master]

API reference - Class Cell

Notation used in Ruby API documentation

Module: db

Description: A cell

A cell object consists of a set of shape containers (called layers), a set of child cell instances and auxiliary information such as the parent instance list. A cell is identified through an index given to the cell upon instantiation. Cell instances refer to single instances or array instances. Both are encapsulated in the same object, the CellInstArray object. In the simple case, this object refers to a single instance. In the general case, this object may refer to a regular array of cell instances as well.

Starting from version 0.16, the child_inst and erase_inst methods are no longer available since they were using index addressing which is no longer supported. Instead, instances are now addressed with the Instance reference objects.

See The Database API for more details about the database objects like the Cell class.

Public constructors

new Cell ptrnewCreates a new object of this class

Public methods

[const]Cell ptr_const_castReturns a non-const reference to self.
void_createEnsures the C++ object is created
void_destroyExplicitly destroys the object
[const]bool_destroyed?Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed
[const]bool_is_const_object?Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference
void_manageMarks the object as managed by the script side.
void_unmanageMarks the object as no longer owned by the script side.
voidadd_meta_info(const LayoutMetaInfo info)Adds meta information to the cell
[const]stringbasic_nameReturns the name of the library or PCell or the real name of the cell
[const]BoxbboxGets the bounding box of the cell
[const]Boxbbox(unsigned int layer_index)Gets the per-layer bounding box of the cell
[const]RecursiveInstanceIteratorbegin_instances_recDelivers a recursive instance iterator for the instances below the cell
[const]RecursiveInstanceIteratorbegin_instances_rec_overlapping(Box region)Delivers a recursive instance iterator for the instances below the cell using a region search
[const]RecursiveInstanceIteratorbegin_instances_rec_overlapping(DBox region)Delivers a recursive instance iterator for the instances below the cell using a region search, with the region given in micrometer units
[const]RecursiveInstanceIteratorbegin_instances_rec_touching(Box region)Delivers a recursive instance iterator for the instances below the cell
[const]RecursiveInstanceIteratorbegin_instances_rec_touching(DBox region)Delivers a recursive instance iterator for the instances below the cell using a region search, with the region given in micrometer units
[const]RecursiveShapeIteratorbegin_shapes_rec(unsigned int layer)Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the cell on the given layer
[const]RecursiveShapeIteratorbegin_shapes_rec_overlapping(unsigned int layer,
Box region)
Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the cell on the given layer using a region search
[const]RecursiveShapeIteratorbegin_shapes_rec_overlapping(unsigned int layer,
DBox region)
Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the cell on the given layer using a region search, with the region given in micrometer units
[const]RecursiveShapeIteratorbegin_shapes_rec_touching(unsigned int layer,
Box region)
Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the cell on the given layer using a region search
[const]RecursiveShapeIteratorbegin_shapes_rec_touching(unsigned int layer,
DBox region)
Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the cell on the given layer using a region search, with the region given in micrometer units
[const]unsigned int[]called_cellsGets a list of all called cells
[const]unsigned int[]caller_cellsGets a list of all caller cells
[const]unsigned intcell_indexGets the cell index
Instancechange_pcell_parameter(const Instance instance,
string name,
variant value)
Changes a single parameter for an individual PCell instance given by name
Instancechange_pcell_parameters(const Instance instance,
map<string,variant> dict)
Changes the given parameter for an individual PCell instance
Instancechange_pcell_parameters(const Instance instance,
variant[] parameters)
Changes the parameters for an individual PCell instance
[const]unsigned longchild_cellsGets the number of child cells
[const]unsigned longchild_instancesGets the number of child instances
voidclear(unsigned int layer_index)Clears the shapes on the given layer
voidclear(const LayerInfo layer)Clears the shapes on the given layer
voidclearClears the cell (deletes shapes and instances)
voidclear_instsClears the instance list
voidclear_meta_infoClears the meta information of the cell
voidclear_shapesClears all shapes in the cell
voidcopy(unsigned int src,
unsigned int dest)
Copies the shapes from the source to the target layer
voidcopy(Cell ptr src_cell,
unsigned int src_layer,
unsigned int dest)
Copies shapes from another cell to the target layer in this cell
voidcopy_instances(const Cell source_cell)Copies the instances of child cells in the source cell to this cell
voidcopy_meta_info(const Cell ptr other)Copies the meta information from the other cell into this cell
voidcopy_shapes(const Cell source_cell)Copies the shapes from the given cell into this cell
voidcopy_shapes(const Cell source_cell,
const LayerMapping layer_mapping)
Copies the shapes from the given cell into this cell
unsigned int[]copy_tree(const Cell source_cell)Copies the cell tree of the given cell into this cell
voidcopy_tree_shapes(const Cell source_cell,
const CellMapping cell_mapping)
Copies the shapes from the given cell and the cell tree below into this cell or subcells of this cell
voidcopy_tree_shapes(const Cell source_cell,
const CellMapping cell_mapping,
const LayerMapping layer_mapping)
Copies the shapes from the given cell and the cell tree below into this cell or subcells of this cell with layer mapping
[const]DBoxdbboxGets the bounding box of the cell in micrometer units
[const]DBoxdbbox(unsigned int layer_index)Gets the per-layer bounding box of the cell in micrometer units
voiddeleteDeletes this cell
voiddelete_property(variant key)Deletes the user property with the given key
[const]stringdisplay_titleReturns a nice looking name for display purposes
[const]Cell ptrdupCreates a copy of the cell
[const,iter]unsigned inteach_child_cellIterates over all child cells
[iter]Instanceeach_instIterates over all child instances (which may actually be instance arrays)
[const,iter]LayoutMetaInfoeach_meta_infoIterates over the meta information of the cell
[const,iter]Instanceeach_overlapping_inst(const Box b)Gets the instances overlapping the given rectangle
[const,iter]Instanceeach_overlapping_inst(const DBox b)Gets the instances overlapping the given rectangle, with the rectangle in micrometer units
[const,iter]Shapeeach_overlapping_shape(unsigned int layer_index,
const Box box,
unsigned int flags)
Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that overlap the given box
[const,iter]Shapeeach_overlapping_shape(unsigned int layer_index,
const Box box)
Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that overlap the given box
[const,iter]Shapeeach_overlapping_shape(unsigned int layer_index,
const DBox box,
unsigned int flags)
Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that overlap the given box, with the box given in micrometer units
[const,iter]Shapeeach_overlapping_shape(unsigned int layer_index,
const DBox box)
Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that overlap the given box, with the box given in micrometer units
[const,iter]unsigned inteach_parent_cellIterates over all parent cells
[const,iter]ParentInstArrayeach_parent_instIterates over the parent instance list (which may actually be instance arrays)
[const,iter]Shapeeach_shape(unsigned int layer_index,
unsigned int flags)
Iterates over all shapes of a given layer
[const,iter]Shapeeach_shape(unsigned int layer_index)Iterates over all shapes of a given layer
[const,iter]Instanceeach_touching_inst(const Box b)Gets the instances touching the given rectangle
[const,iter]Instanceeach_touching_inst(const DBox b)Gets the instances touching the given rectangle, with the rectangle in micrometer units
[const,iter]Shapeeach_touching_shape(unsigned int layer_index,
const Box box,
unsigned int flags)
Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that touch the given box
[const,iter]Shapeeach_touching_shape(unsigned int layer_index,
const Box box)
Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that touch the given box
[const,iter]Shapeeach_touching_shape(unsigned int layer_index,
const DBox box,
unsigned int flags)
Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that touch the given box, with the box given in micrometer units
[const,iter]Shapeeach_touching_shape(unsigned int layer_index,
const DBox box)
Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that touch the given box, with the box given in micrometer units
voiderase(const Instance inst)Erases the instance given by the Instance object
voidfill_region(const Region region,
unsigned int fill_cell_index,
const Box fc_box,
const Point ptr origin = (0, 0),
Region ptr remaining_parts = nil,
const Vector fill_margin = 0,0,
Region ptr remaining_polygons = nil,
const Box glue_box = ())
Fills the given region with cells of the given type (extended version)
voidfill_region(const Region region,
unsigned int fill_cell_index,
const Box fc_bbox,
const Vector row_step,
const Vector column_step,
const Point ptr origin = (0, 0),
Region ptr remaining_parts = nil,
const Vector fill_margin = 0,0,
Region ptr remaining_polygons = nil,
const Box glue_box = ())
Fills the given region with cells of the given type (skew step version)
voidfill_region_multi(const Region region,
unsigned int fill_cell_index,
const Box fc_bbox,
const Vector row_step,
const Vector column_step,
const Vector fill_margin = 0,0,
Region ptr remaining_polygons = nil,
const Box glue_box = ())
Fills the given region with cells of the given type in enhanced mode with iterations
voidflatten(bool prune)Flattens the given cell
voidflatten(int levels,
bool prune)
Flattens the given cell
voidghost_cell=(bool flag)Sets the "ghost cell" flag
[const]boolhas_prop_id?Returns true, if the cell has user properties
[const]unsigned inthierarchy_levelsReturns the number of hierarchy levels below
Instanceinsert(const Instance inst)Inserts a cell instance given by another reference
Instanceinsert(const CellInstArray cell_inst_array)Inserts a cell instance (array)
Instanceinsert(const DCellInstArray cell_inst_array)Inserts a cell instance (array) given in micron units
Instanceinsert(const DCellInstArray cell_inst_array,
unsigned long property_id)
Inserts a cell instance (array) given in micron units with properties
Instanceinsert(const CellInstArray cell_inst_array,
unsigned long property_id)
Inserts a cell instance (array) with properties
[const]boolis_empty?Returns a value indicating whether the cell is empty
[const]boolis_ghost_cell?Returns a value indicating whether the cell is a "ghost cell"
[const]boolis_leaf?Gets a value indicating whether the cell is a leaf cell
[const]boolis_library_cell?Returns true, if the cell is a proxy cell pointing to a library cell
[const]boolis_locked?Gets a value indicating whether the cell is locked
[const]boolis_pcell_variant?Returns true, if this cell is a pcell variant
[const]boolis_pcell_variant?(const Instance instance)Returns true, if this instance is a PCell variant
[const]boolis_proxy?Returns true, if the cell presents some external entity
[const]boolis_top?Gets a value indicating whether the cell is a top-level cell
[const]boolis_valid?(const Instance instance)Tests if the given Instance object is still pointing to a valid object
Layout ptrlayoutReturns a reference to the layout where the cell resides
[const]const Layout ptrlayoutReturns a reference to the layout where the cell resides (const references)
[const]Library ptrlibraryReturns a reference to the library from which the cell is imported
[const]unsigned intlibrary_cell_indexReturns the index of the cell in the layout of the library (if it's a library proxy)
voidlocked=(bool l)Locks or unlocks the cell
voidmerge_meta_info(const Cell ptr other)Merges the meta information from the other cell into this cell
new LayoutMetaInfo ptrmeta_info(string name)Gets the meta information for a given name
variantmeta_info_value(string name)Gets the meta information value for a given name
voidmove(unsigned int src,
unsigned int dest)
Moves the shapes from the source to the target layer
voidmove(Cell ptr src_cell,
unsigned int src_layer,
unsigned int dest)
Moves shapes from another cell to the target layer in this cell
voidmove_instances(Cell source_cell)Moves the instances of child cells in the source cell to this cell
voidmove_shapes(Cell source_cell)Moves the shapes from the given cell into this cell
voidmove_shapes(Cell source_cell,
const LayerMapping layer_mapping)
Moves the shapes from the given cell into this cell
unsigned int[]move_tree(Cell source_cell)Moves the cell tree of the given cell into this cell
voidmove_tree_shapes(Cell source_cell,
const CellMapping cell_mapping)
Moves the shapes from the given cell and the cell tree below into this cell or subcells of this cell
voidmove_tree_shapes(Cell source_cell,
const CellMapping cell_mapping,
const LayerMapping layer_mapping)
Moves the shapes from the given cell and the cell tree below into this cell or subcells of this cell with layer mapping
[const]stringnameGets the cell's name
voidname=(string name)Renames the cell
[const]unsigned longparent_cellsGets the number of parent cells
[const]const PCellDeclaration ptrpcell_declarationReturns a reference to the PCell declaration
[const]const PCellDeclaration ptrpcell_declaration(const Instance instance)Returns the PCell declaration of a pcell instance
[const]unsigned intpcell_idReturns the PCell ID if the cell is a pcell variant
[const]Library ptrpcell_libraryReturns the library where the PCell is declared if this cell is a PCell and it is not defined locally.
[const]variantpcell_parameter(string name)Gets a PCell parameter by name if the cell is a PCell variant
[const]variantpcell_parameter(const Instance instance,
string name)
Returns a PCell parameter by name for a pcell instance
[const]variant[]pcell_parametersReturns the PCell parameters for a pcell variant
[const]variant[]pcell_parameters(const Instance instance)Returns the PCell parameters for a pcell instance
[const]map<string,variant>pcell_parameters_by_nameReturns the PCell parameters for a pcell variant as a name to value dictionary
[const]map<string,variant>pcell_parameters_by_name(const Instance instance)Returns the PCell parameters for a pcell instance as a name to value dictionary
[const]unsigned longprop_idGets the properties ID associated with the cell
voidprop_id=(unsigned long id)Sets the properties ID associated with the cell
[const]variantpropertiesGets the user properties as a hash
[const]variantproperty(variant key)Gets the user property with the given key
voidprune_cellDeletes the cell plus subcells not used otherwise
voidprune_cell(int levels)Deletes the cell plus subcells not used otherwise
voidprune_subcellsDeletes all sub cells of the cell which are not used otherwise
voidprune_subcells(int levels)Deletes all sub cells of the cell which are not used otherwise down to the specified level of hierarchy
[const]stringqnameReturns the library-qualified name
unsigned int[]read(string file_name,
const LoadLayoutOptions options)
Reads a layout file into this cell
unsigned int[]read(string file_name)Reads a layout file into this cell
voidrefreshRefreshes a proxy cell
voidremove_meta_info(string name)Removes meta information from the cell
Instancereplace(const Instance instance,
const CellInstArray cell_inst_array)
Replaces a cell instance (array) with a different one
Instancereplace(const Instance instance,
const CellInstArray cell_inst_array,
unsigned long property_id)
Replaces a cell instance (array) with a different one with properties
Instancereplace(const Instance instance,
const DCellInstArray cell_inst_array)
Replaces a cell instance (array) with a different one, given in micrometer units
Instancereplace(const Instance instance,
const DCellInstArray cell_inst_array,
unsigned long property_id)
Replaces a cell instance (array) with a different one and new properties, where the cell instance is given in micrometer units
Instancereplace_prop_id(const Instance instance,
unsigned long property_id)
Replaces (or install) the properties of a cell
voidset_property(variant key,
variant value)
Sets the user property with the given key to the given value
Shapesshapes(unsigned int layer_index)Returns the shapes list of the given layer
Shapesshapes(const LayerInfo layer)Returns the shapes list of the given layer
[const]const Shapes ptrshapes(unsigned int layer_index)Returns the shapes list of the given layer (const version)
[const]Shapesshapes(const LayerInfo layer)Returns the shapes list of the given layer (const version)
voidswap(unsigned int layer_index1,
unsigned int layer_index2)
Swaps the layers given
Instancetransform(const Instance instance,
const Trans trans)
Transforms the instance with the given transformation
Instancetransform(const Instance instance,
const ICplxTrans trans)
Transforms the instance with the given complex integer transformation
Instancetransform(const Instance instance,
const DTrans trans)
Transforms the instance with the transformation given in micrometer units
Instancetransform(const Instance instance,
const DCplxTrans trans)
Transforms the instance with the given complex floating-point transformation given in micrometer units
voidtransform(const Trans trans)Transforms the cell by the given integer transformation
voidtransform(const ICplxTrans trans)Transforms the cell by the given complex integer transformation
voidtransform(const DTrans trans)Transforms the cell by the given, micrometer-unit transformation
voidtransform(const DCplxTrans trans)Transforms the cell by the given, micrometer-unit transformation
Instancetransform_into(const Instance instance,
const Trans trans)
Transforms the instance into a new coordinate system with the given transformation
Instancetransform_into(const Instance instance,
const ICplxTrans trans)
Transforms the instance into a new coordinate system with the given complex integer transformation
voidtransform_into(const Trans trans)Transforms the cell into a new coordinate system with the given transformation
voidtransform_into(const ICplxTrans trans)Transforms the cell into a new coordinate system with the given complex integer transformation
Instancetransform_into(const Instance instance,
const DTrans trans)
Transforms the instance into a new coordinate system with the given transformation where the transformation is in micrometer units
Instancetransform_into(const Instance instance,
const DCplxTrans trans)
Transforms the instance into a new coordinate system with the given complex transformation where the transformation is in micrometer units
voidtransform_into(const DTrans trans)Transforms the cell into a new coordinate system with the given transformation where the transformation is in micrometer units
voidtransform_into(const DCplxTrans trans)Transforms the cell into a new coordinate system with the given complex integer transformation where the transformation is in micrometer units
[const]voidwrite(string file_name)Writes the cell to a layout file
[const]voidwrite(string file_name,
const SaveLayoutOptions options)
Writes the cell to a layout file

Deprecated methods (protected, public, static, non-static and constructors)

[const]Boxbbox_per_layer(unsigned int layer_index)Use of this method is deprecated. Use bbox instead
voidcreateUse of this method is deprecated. Use _create instead
[const]DBoxdbbox_per_layer(unsigned int layer_index)Use of this method is deprecated. Use dbbox instead
voiddestroyUse of this method is deprecated. Use _destroy instead
[const]booldestroyed?Use of this method is deprecated. Use _destroyed? instead
[const]boolis_const_object?Use of this method is deprecated. Use _is_const_object? instead

Detailed description


Signature: [const] Cell ptr _const_cast

Description: Returns a non-const reference to self.

Basically, this method allows turning a const object reference to a non-const one. This method is provided as last resort to remove the constness from an object. Usually there is a good reason for a const object reference, so using this method may have undesired side effects.

This method has been introduced in version 0.29.6.


Signature: void _create

Description: Ensures the C++ object is created

Use this method to ensure the C++ object is created, for example to ensure that resources are allocated. Usually C++ objects are created on demand and not necessarily when the script object is created.


Signature: void _destroy

Description: Explicitly destroys the object

Explicitly destroys the object on C++ side if it was owned by the script interpreter. Subsequent access to this object will throw an exception. If the object is not owned by the script, this method will do nothing.


Signature: [const] bool _destroyed?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed

This method returns true, if the object was destroyed, either explicitly or by the C++ side. The latter may happen, if the object is owned by a C++ object which got destroyed itself.


Signature: [const] bool _is_const_object?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference

This method returns true, if self is a const reference. In that case, only const methods may be called on self.


Signature: void _manage

Description: Marks the object as managed by the script side.

After calling this method on an object, the script side will be responsible for the management of the object. This method may be called if an object is returned from a C++ function and the object is known not to be owned by any C++ instance. If necessary, the script side may delete the object if the script's reference is no longer required.

Usually it's not required to call this method. It has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: void _unmanage

Description: Marks the object as no longer owned by the script side.

Calling this method will make this object no longer owned by the script's memory management. Instead, the object must be managed in some other way. Usually this method may be called if it is known that some C++ object holds and manages this object. Technically speaking, this method will turn the script's reference into a weak reference. After the script engine decides to delete the reference, the object itself will still exist. If the object is not managed otherwise, memory leaks will occur.

Usually it's not required to call this method. It has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: void add_meta_info (const LayoutMetaInfo info)

Description: Adds meta information to the cell

See LayoutMetaInfo for details about cells and meta information.

This method has been introduced in version 0.28.8.


Signature: [const] string basic_name

Description: Returns the name of the library or PCell or the real name of the cell

For non-proxy cells (see is_proxy?), this method simply returns the cell name. For proxy cells, this method returns the PCells definition name or the library cell name. This name may differ from the actual cell's name because to ensure that cell names are unique, KLayout may assign different names to the actual cell compared to the source cell.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


(1) Signature: [const] Box bbox

Description: Gets the bounding box of the cell

Returns:The bounding box of the cell

The bounding box is computed over all layers. To compute the bounding box over single layers, use bbox with a layer index argument.

(2) Signature: [const] Box bbox (unsigned int layer_index)

Description: Gets the per-layer bounding box of the cell

Returns:The bounding box of the cell considering only the given layer

The bounding box is the box enclosing all shapes on the given layer.

'bbox' is the preferred synonym since version 0.28.


Signature: [const] Box bbox_per_layer (unsigned int layer_index)

Description: Gets the per-layer bounding box of the cell

Returns:The bounding box of the cell considering only the given layer

Use of this method is deprecated. Use bbox instead

The bounding box is the box enclosing all shapes on the given layer.

'bbox' is the preferred synonym since version 0.28.


Signature: [const] RecursiveInstanceIterator begin_instances_rec

Description: Delivers a recursive instance iterator for the instances below the cell

Returns:A suitable iterator

For details see the description of the RecursiveInstanceIterator class.

This method has been added in version 0.27.


(1) Signature: [const] RecursiveInstanceIterator begin_instances_rec_overlapping (Box region)

Description: Delivers a recursive instance iterator for the instances below the cell using a region search

region:The search region
Returns:A suitable iterator

For details see the description of the RecursiveInstanceIterator class. This version gives an iterator delivering instances whose bounding box overlaps the given region.

This method has been added in version 0.27.

(2) Signature: [const] RecursiveInstanceIterator begin_instances_rec_overlapping (DBox region)

Description: Delivers a recursive instance iterator for the instances below the cell using a region search, with the region given in micrometer units

region:The search region as DBox object in micrometer units
Returns:A suitable iterator

For details see the description of the RecursiveInstanceIterator class. This version gives an iterator delivering instances whose bounding box overlaps the given region.

This variant has been added in version 0.27.


(1) Signature: [const] RecursiveInstanceIterator begin_instances_rec_touching (Box region)

Description: Delivers a recursive instance iterator for the instances below the cell

region:The search region
Returns:A suitable iterator

For details see the description of the RecursiveInstanceIterator class. This version gives an iterator delivering instances whose bounding box touches the given region.

This method has been added in version 0.27.

(2) Signature: [const] RecursiveInstanceIterator begin_instances_rec_touching (DBox region)

Description: Delivers a recursive instance iterator for the instances below the cell using a region search, with the region given in micrometer units

region:The search region as DBox object in micrometer units
Returns:A suitable iterator

For details see the description of the RecursiveInstanceIterator class. This version gives an iterator delivering instances whose bounding box touches the given region.

This variant has been added in version 0.27.


Signature: [const] RecursiveShapeIterator begin_shapes_rec (unsigned int layer)

Description: Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the cell on the given layer

layer:The layer from which to get the shapes
Returns:A suitable iterator

For details see the description of the RecursiveShapeIterator class.

This method has been added in version 0.23.


(1) Signature: [const] RecursiveShapeIterator begin_shapes_rec_overlapping (unsigned int layer, Box region)

Description: Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the cell on the given layer using a region search

layer:The layer from which to get the shapes
region:The search region
Returns:A suitable iterator

For details see the description of the RecursiveShapeIterator class. This version gives an iterator delivering shapes whose bounding box overlaps the given region.

This method has been added in version 0.23.

(2) Signature: [const] RecursiveShapeIterator begin_shapes_rec_overlapping (unsigned int layer, DBox region)

Description: Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the cell on the given layer using a region search, with the region given in micrometer units

layer:The layer from which to get the shapes
region:The search region as DBox object in micrometer units
Returns:A suitable iterator

For details see the description of the RecursiveShapeIterator class. This version gives an iterator delivering shapes whose bounding box overlaps the given region.

This variant has been added in version 0.25.


(1) Signature: [const] RecursiveShapeIterator begin_shapes_rec_touching (unsigned int layer, Box region)

Description: Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the cell on the given layer using a region search

layer:The layer from which to get the shapes
region:The search region
Returns:A suitable iterator

For details see the description of the RecursiveShapeIterator class. This version gives an iterator delivering shapes whose bounding box touches the given region.

This method has been added in version 0.23.

(2) Signature: [const] RecursiveShapeIterator begin_shapes_rec_touching (unsigned int layer, DBox region)

Description: Delivers a recursive shape iterator for the shapes below the cell on the given layer using a region search, with the region given in micrometer units

layer:The layer from which to get the shapes
region:The search region as DBox object in micrometer units
Returns:A suitable iterator

For details see the description of the RecursiveShapeIterator class. This version gives an iterator delivering shapes whose bounding box touches the given region.

This variant has been added in version 0.25.


Signature: [const] unsigned int[] called_cells

Description: Gets a list of all called cells

Returns:A list of cell indices.

This method determines all cells which are called either directly or indirectly by the cell. It returns an array of cell indexes. Use the 'cell' method of Layout to retrieve the corresponding Cell object.

This method has been introduced in version 0.19.


Signature: [const] unsigned int[] caller_cells

Description: Gets a list of all caller cells

Returns:A list of cell indices.

This method determines all cells which call this cell either directly or indirectly. It returns an array of cell indexes. Use the 'cell' method of Layout to retrieve the corresponding Cell object.

This method has been introduced in version 0.19.


Signature: [const] unsigned int cell_index

Description: Gets the cell index

Returns:The cell index of the cell


Signature: Instance change_pcell_parameter (const Instance instance, string name, variant value)

Description: Changes a single parameter for an individual PCell instance given by name

Returns:The new instance (the old may be invalid)

This will set the PCell parameter named 'name' to the given value for the instance addressed by 'instance'. If no parameter with that name exists, the method will do nothing.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.


(1) Signature: Instance change_pcell_parameters (const Instance instance, map<string,variant> dict)

Description: Changes the given parameter for an individual PCell instance

Returns:The new instance (the old may be invalid)

This version receives a dictionary of names and values. It will change the parameters given by the names to the values given by the values of the dictionary. The functionality is similar to the same function with an array, but more convenient to use. Values with unknown names are ignored.

This method has been introduced in version 0.24.

(2) Signature: Instance change_pcell_parameters (const Instance instance, variant[] parameters)

Description: Changes the parameters for an individual PCell instance

Returns:The new instance (the old may be invalid)

If necessary, this method creates a new variant and replaces the given instance by an instance of this variant.

The parameters are given in the order the parameters are declared. Use pcell_declaration on the instance to get the PCell declaration object of the cell. That PCellDeclaration object delivers the parameter declaration with its 'get_parameters' method. Each parameter in the variant list passed to the second list of values corresponds to one parameter declaration.

There is a more convenient method (change_pcell_parameter) that changes a single parameter by name.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: [const] unsigned long child_cells

Description: Gets the number of child cells

The number of child cells (not child instances!) is returned. CAUTION: this method is SLOW, in particular if many instances are present.


Signature: [const] unsigned long child_instances

Description: Gets the number of child instances

Returns:Returns the number of cell instances


(1) Signature: void clear (unsigned int layer_index)

Description: Clears the shapes on the given layer

(2) Signature: void clear (const LayerInfo layer)

Description: Clears the shapes on the given layer

This version takes a LayerInfo object for the layer. If no such layer exists, this method does nothing.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.29.7.

(3) Signature: void clear

Description: Clears the cell (deletes shapes and instances)

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.


Signature: void clear_insts

Description: Clears the instance list


Signature: void clear_meta_info

Description: Clears the meta information of the cell

See LayoutMetaInfo for details about cells and meta information.

This method has been introduced in version 0.28.8.


Signature: void clear_shapes

Description: Clears all shapes in the cell


(1) Signature: void copy (unsigned int src, unsigned int dest)

Description: Copies the shapes from the source to the target layer

src:The layer index of the source layer
dest:The layer index of the destination layer

The destination layer is not overwritten. Instead, the shapes are added to the shapes of the destination layer. If source are target layer are identical, this method does nothing. This method will copy shapes within the cell. To copy shapes from another cell to this cell, use the copy method with the cell parameter.

This method has been introduced in version 0.19.

(2) Signature: void copy (Cell ptr src_cell, unsigned int src_layer, unsigned int dest)

Description: Copies shapes from another cell to the target layer in this cell

src_cell:The cell where to take the shapes from
src_layer:The layer index of the layer from which to take the shapes
dest:The layer index of the destination layer

This method will copy all shapes on layer 'src_layer' of cell 'src_cell' to the layer 'dest' of this cell. The destination layer is not overwritten. Instead, the shapes are added to the shapes of the destination layer. If the source cell lives in a layout with a different database unit than that current cell is in, the shapes will be transformed accordingly. The same way, shape properties are transformed as well. Note that the shape transformation may require rounding to smaller coordinates. This may result in a slight distortion of the original shapes, in particular when transforming into a layout with a bigger database unit.


Signature: void copy_instances (const Cell source_cell)

Description: Copies the instances of child cells in the source cell to this cell

source_cell:The cell where the instances are copied from

The source cell must reside in the same layout than this cell. The instances of child cells inside the source cell are copied to this cell. No new cells are created, just new instances are created to already existing cells in the target cell.

The instances will be added to any existing instances in the cell.

More elaborate methods of copying hierarchy trees between layouts or duplicating trees are provided through the copy_tree_shapes (in cooperation with the CellMapping class) or copy_tree methods.

This method has been added in version 0.23.


Signature: void copy_meta_info (const Cell ptr other)

Description: Copies the meta information from the other cell into this cell

See LayoutMetaInfo for details about cells and meta information. The meta information from this cell will be replaced by the meta information from the other cell.

This method has been introduced in version 0.28.16.


(1) Signature: void copy_shapes (const Cell source_cell)

Description: Copies the shapes from the given cell into this cell

source_cell:The cell from where to copy shapes

All shapes are copied from the source cell to this cell. Instances are not copied.

The source cell can reside in a different layout. In this case, the shapes are copied over from the other layout into this layout. Database unit conversion is done automatically if the database units differ between the layouts. Note that this may lead to grid snapping effects if the database unit of the target layout is not an integer fraction of the source layout.

If source and target layout are different, the layers of the source and target layout are identified by their layer/datatype number or name (if no layer/datatype is present). The shapes will be added to any shapes already in the cell.

This method has been added in version 0.23.

(2) Signature: void copy_shapes (const Cell source_cell, const LayerMapping layer_mapping)

Description: Copies the shapes from the given cell into this cell

source_cell:The cell from where to copy shapes
layer_mapping:A LayerMapping object that specifies which layers are copied and where

All shapes on layers specified in the layer mapping object are copied from the source cell to this cell. Instances are not copied. The target layer is taken from the mapping table.

The shapes will be added to any shapes already in the cell.

This method has been added in version 0.23.


Signature: unsigned int[] copy_tree (const Cell source_cell)

Description: Copies the cell tree of the given cell into this cell

source_cell:The cell from where to copy the cell tree
Returns:A list of indexes of newly created cells

The complete cell tree of the source cell is copied to the target cell plus all shapes in that tree are copied as well. This method will basically duplicate the cell tree of the source cell.

The source cell may reside in a separate layout. This method therefore provides a way to copy over complete cell trees from one layout to another.

The shapes and instances will be added to any shapes or instances already in the cell.

This method has been added in version 0.23.


(1) Signature: void copy_tree_shapes (const Cell source_cell, const CellMapping cell_mapping)

Description: Copies the shapes from the given cell and the cell tree below into this cell or subcells of this cell

source_cell:The starting cell from where to copy shapes
cell_mapping:The cell mapping object that determines how cells are identified between source and target layout

This method is provided if source and target cell reside in different layouts. If will copy the shapes from all cells below the given source cell, but use a cell mapping object that provides a specification how cells are identified between the layouts. Cells in the source tree, for which no mapping is provided, will be flattened - their shapes will be propagated into parent cells for which a mapping is provided.

The cell mapping object provides various methods to map cell trees between layouts. See the CellMapping class for details about the mapping methods available. The cell mapping object is also responsible for creating a proper hierarchy of cells in the target layout if that is required.

Layers are identified between the layouts by the layer/datatype number of name if no layer/datatype number is present.

The shapes copied will be added to any shapes already in the cells.

This method has been added in version 0.23.

(2) Signature: void copy_tree_shapes (const Cell source_cell, const CellMapping cell_mapping, const LayerMapping layer_mapping)

Description: Copies the shapes from the given cell and the cell tree below into this cell or subcells of this cell with layer mapping

source_cell:The cell from where to copy shapes and instances
cell_mapping:The cell mapping object that determines how cells are identified between source and target layout

This method is provided if source and target cell reside in different layouts. If will copy the shapes from all cells below the given source cell, but use a cell mapping object that provides a specification how cells are identified between the layouts. Cells in the source tree, for which no mapping is provided, will be flattened - their shapes will be propagated into parent cells for which a mapping is provided.

The cell mapping object provides various methods to map cell trees between layouts. See the CellMapping class for details about the mapping methods available. The cell mapping object is also responsible for creating a proper hierarchy of cells in the target layout if that is required.

In addition, the layer mapping object can be specified which maps source to target layers. This feature can be used to restrict the copy operation to a subset of layers or to convert shapes to different layers in that step.

The shapes copied will be added to any shapes already in the cells.

This method has been added in version 0.23.


Signature: void create

Description: Ensures the C++ object is created

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _create instead

Use this method to ensure the C++ object is created, for example to ensure that resources are allocated. Usually C++ objects are created on demand and not necessarily when the script object is created.


(1) Signature: [const] DBox dbbox

Description: Gets the bounding box of the cell in micrometer units

Returns:The bounding box of the cell

The bounding box is computed over all layers. To compute the bounding box over single layers, use dbbox with a layer index argument.

This method has been introduced in version 0.25.

(2) Signature: [const] DBox dbbox (unsigned int layer_index)

Description: Gets the per-layer bounding box of the cell in micrometer units

Returns:The bounding box of the cell considering only the given layer

The bounding box is the box enclosing all shapes on the given layer.

This method has been introduced in version 0.25. 'dbbox' is the preferred synonym since version 0.28.


Signature: [const] DBox dbbox_per_layer (unsigned int layer_index)

Description: Gets the per-layer bounding box of the cell in micrometer units

Returns:The bounding box of the cell considering only the given layer

Use of this method is deprecated. Use dbbox instead

The bounding box is the box enclosing all shapes on the given layer.

This method has been introduced in version 0.25. 'dbbox' is the preferred synonym since version 0.28.


Signature: void delete

Description: Deletes this cell

This deletes the cell but not the sub cells of the cell. These subcells will likely become new top cells unless they are used otherwise. All instances of this cell are deleted as well. Hint: to delete multiple cells, use "delete_cells" which is far more efficient in this case.

After the cell has been deleted, the Cell object becomes invalid. Do not access methods or attributes of this object after deleting the cell.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.


Signature: void delete_property (variant key)

Description: Deletes the user property with the given key

This method is a convenience method that deletes the property with the given key. It does nothing if no property with that key exists. Using that method is more convenient than creating a new property set with a new ID and assigning that properties ID. This method may change the properties ID.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.


Signature: void destroy

Description: Explicitly destroys the object

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _destroy instead

Explicitly destroys the object on C++ side if it was owned by the script interpreter. Subsequent access to this object will throw an exception. If the object is not owned by the script, this method will do nothing.


Signature: [const] bool destroyed?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _destroyed? instead

This method returns true, if the object was destroyed, either explicitly or by the C++ side. The latter may happen, if the object is owned by a C++ object which got destroyed itself.


Signature: [const] string display_title

Description: Returns a nice looking name for display purposes

For example, this name include PCell parameters for PCell proxy cells.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: [const] Cell ptr dup

Description: Creates a copy of the cell

This method will create a copy of the cell. The new cell will be member of the same layout the original cell was member of. The copy will inherit all shapes and instances, but get a different cell_index and a modified name as duplicate cell names are not allowed in the same layout.

This method has been introduced in version 0.27.

Python specific notes:
This method also implements '__copy__' and '__deepcopy__'.


Signature: [const,iter] unsigned int each_child_cell

Description: Iterates over all child cells

This iterator will report the child cell indices, not every instance.


Signature: [iter] Instance each_inst

Description: Iterates over all child instances (which may actually be instance arrays)

Starting with version 0.15, this iterator delivers Instance objects rather than CellInstArray objects.


Signature: [const,iter] LayoutMetaInfo each_meta_info

Description: Iterates over the meta information of the cell

See LayoutMetaInfo for details about cells and meta information.

This method has been introduced in version 0.28.8.


(1) Signature: [const,iter] Instance each_overlapping_inst (const Box b)

Description: Gets the instances overlapping the given rectangle

b:The region to iterate over

This will iterate over all child cell instances overlapping with the given rectangle b.

Starting with version 0.15, this iterator delivers Instance objects rather than CellInstArray objects.

(2) Signature: [const,iter] Instance each_overlapping_inst (const DBox b)

Description: Gets the instances overlapping the given rectangle, with the rectangle in micrometer units

b:The region to iterate over

This will iterate over all child cell instances overlapping with the given rectangle b. This method is identical to the each_overlapping_inst version that takes a Box object, but instead of taking database unit coordinates in will take a micrometer unit DBox object.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.


(1) Signature: [const,iter] Shape each_overlapping_shape (unsigned int layer_index, const Box box, unsigned int flags)

Description: Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that overlap the given box

flags:An "or"-ed combination of the S.. constants of the Shapes class
box:The box by which to query the shapes
layer_index:The layer on which to run the query

(2) Signature: [const,iter] Shape each_overlapping_shape (unsigned int layer_index, const Box box)

Description: Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that overlap the given box

box:The box by which to query the shapes
layer_index:The layer on which to run the query

This call is equivalent to each_overlapping_shape(layer_index,box,RBA::Shapes::SAll). This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.16.

(3) Signature: [const,iter] Shape each_overlapping_shape (unsigned int layer_index, const DBox box, unsigned int flags)

Description: Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that overlap the given box, with the box given in micrometer units

flags:An "or"-ed combination of the S.. constants of the Shapes class
box:The box by which to query the shapes as a DBox object in micrometer units
layer_index:The layer on which to run the query

(4) Signature: [const,iter] Shape each_overlapping_shape (unsigned int layer_index, const DBox box)

Description: Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that overlap the given box, with the box given in micrometer units

box:The box by which to query the shapes as a DBox object in micrometer units
layer_index:The layer on which to run the query

This call is equivalent to each_overlapping_shape(layer_index,box,RBA::Shapes::SAll). This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.16.


Signature: [const,iter] unsigned int each_parent_cell

Description: Iterates over all parent cells

This iterator will iterate over the parent cells, just returning their cell index.


Signature: [const,iter] ParentInstArray each_parent_inst

Description: Iterates over the parent instance list (which may actually be instance arrays)

The parent instances are basically inversions of the instances. Using parent instances it is possible to determine how a specific cell is called from where.


(1) Signature: [const,iter] Shape each_shape (unsigned int layer_index, unsigned int flags)

Description: Iterates over all shapes of a given layer

flags:An "or"-ed combination of the S.. constants of the Shapes class
layer_index:The layer on which to run the query

This iterator is equivalent to 'shapes(layer).each'.

(2) Signature: [const,iter] Shape each_shape (unsigned int layer_index)

Description: Iterates over all shapes of a given layer

layer_index:The layer on which to run the query

This call is equivalent to each_shape(layer_index,RBA::Shapes::SAll). This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.16.


(1) Signature: [const,iter] Instance each_touching_inst (const Box b)

Description: Gets the instances touching the given rectangle

b:The region to iterate over

This will iterate over all child cell instances overlapping with the given rectangle b.

Starting with version 0.15, this iterator delivers Instance objects rather than CellInstArray objects.

(2) Signature: [const,iter] Instance each_touching_inst (const DBox b)

Description: Gets the instances touching the given rectangle, with the rectangle in micrometer units

b:The region to iterate over

This will iterate over all child cell instances touching the given rectangle b. This method is identical to the each_touching_inst version that takes a Box object, but instead of taking database unit coordinates in will take a micrometer unit DBox object.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.


(1) Signature: [const,iter] Shape each_touching_shape (unsigned int layer_index, const Box box, unsigned int flags)

Description: Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that touch the given box

flags:An "or"-ed combination of the S.. constants of the Shapes class
box:The box by which to query the shapes
layer_index:The layer on which to run the query

(2) Signature: [const,iter] Shape each_touching_shape (unsigned int layer_index, const Box box)

Description: Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that touch the given box

box:The box by which to query the shapes
layer_index:The layer on which to run the query

This call is equivalent to each_touching_shape(layer_index,box,RBA::Shapes::SAll). This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.16.

(3) Signature: [const,iter] Shape each_touching_shape (unsigned int layer_index, const DBox box, unsigned int flags)

Description: Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that touch the given box, with the box given in micrometer units

flags:An "or"-ed combination of the S.. constants of the Shapes class
box:The box by which to query the shapes as a DBox object in micrometer units
layer_index:The layer on which to run the query

(4) Signature: [const,iter] Shape each_touching_shape (unsigned int layer_index, const DBox box)

Description: Iterates over all shapes of a given layer that touch the given box, with the box given in micrometer units

box:The box by which to query the shapes as a DBox object in micrometer units
layer_index:The layer on which to run the query

This call is equivalent to each_touching_shape(layer_index,box,RBA::Shapes::SAll). This convenience method has been introduced in version 0.16.


Signature: void erase (const Instance inst)

Description: Erases the instance given by the Instance object

This method has been introduced in version 0.16. It can only be used in editable mode.


(1) Signature: void fill_region (const Region region, unsigned int fill_cell_index, const Box fc_box, const Point ptr origin = (0, 0), Region ptr remaining_parts = nil, const Vector fill_margin = 0,0, Region ptr remaining_polygons = nil, const Box glue_box = ())

Description: Fills the given region with cells of the given type (extended version)

region:The region to fill
fill_cell_index:The fill cell to place
fc_box:The fill cell's footprint
origin:The global origin of the fill pattern or nil to allow local (per-polygon) optimization
remaining_parts:See explanation below
fill_margin:See explanation below
remaining_polygons:See explanation below
glue_box:Guarantees fill cell compatibility to neighbor regions in enhanced mode

This method creates a regular pattern of fill cells to cover the interior of the given region as far as possible. This process is also known as tiling. This implementation supports rectangular (not necessarily square) tile cells. The tile cell's footprint is given by the fc_box parameter and the cells will be arranged with their footprints forming a seamless array.

The algorithm supports a global fill raster as well as local (per-polygon) origin optimization. In the latter case the origin of the regular raster is optimized per individual polygon of the fill region. To enable optimization, pass 'nil' to the 'origin' argument.

The implementation will basically try to find a repetition pattern of the tile cell's footprint and produce instances which fit entirely into the fill region.

There is also a version available which offers skew step vectors as a generalization of the orthogonal ones.

If the 'remaining_parts' argument is non-nil, the corresponding region will receive the parts of the polygons which are not covered by tiles. Basically the tiles are subtracted from the original polygons. A margin can be specified which is applied separately in x and y direction before the subtraction is done ('fill_margin' parameter).

If the 'remaining_polygons' argument is non-nil, the corresponding region will receive all polygons from the input region which could not be filled and where there is no chance of filling because not a single tile will fit into them.

'remaining_parts' and 'remaining_polygons' can be identical with the input. In that case the input will be overwritten with the respective output. Otherwise, the respective polygons are added to these regions.

This allows setting up a more elaborate fill scheme using multiple iterations and local origin-optimization ('origin' is nil):

r = ...        # region to fill
c = ...        # cell in which to produce the fill cells
fc_index = ... # fill cell index
fc_box = ...   # fill cell footprint

fill_margin = RBA::Point::new(0, 0)   # x/y distance between tile cells with different origin

# Iteration: fill a region and fill the remaining parts as long as there is anything left.
# Polygons not worth being considered further are dropped (last argument is nil).
while !r.is_empty?
  c.fill_region(r, fc_index, fc_box, nil, r, fill_margin, nil)

The glue box parameter supports fill cell array compatibility with neighboring regions. This is specifically useful when putting the fill_cell method into a tiling processor. Fill cell array compatibility means that the fill cell array continues over tile boundaries. This is easy with an origin: you can chose the origin identically over all tiles which is sufficient to guarantee fill cell array compatibility across the tiles. However there is no freedom of choice of the origin then and fill cell placement may not be optimal. To enable the origin for the tile boundary only, a glue box can given. The origin will then be used only when the polygons to fill not entirely inside and not at the border of the glue box. Hence, while a certain degree of freedom is present for the placement of fill cells inside the glue box, the fill cells are guaranteed to be placed at the raster implied by origin at the glue box border and beyond. To ensure fill cell compatibility inside the tiling processor, it is sufficient to use the tile box as the glue box.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23 and enhanced in version 0.27.

(2) Signature: void fill_region (const Region region, unsigned int fill_cell_index, const Box fc_bbox, const Vector row_step, const Vector column_step, const Point ptr origin = (0, 0), Region ptr remaining_parts = nil, const Vector fill_margin = 0,0, Region ptr remaining_polygons = nil, const Box glue_box = ())

Description: Fills the given region with cells of the given type (skew step version)

region:The region to fill
fill_cell_index:The fill cell to place
fc_bbox:The fill cell's box to place
row_step:The 'rows' step vector
column_step:The 'columns' step vector
origin:The global origin of the fill pattern or nil to allow local (per-polygon) optimization
remaining_parts:See explanation in other version
fill_margin:See explanation in other version
remaining_polygons:See explanation in other version

This version is similar to the version providing an orthogonal fill, but it offers more generic stepping of the fill cell. The step pattern is defined by an origin and two vectors (row_step and column_step) which span the axes of the fill cell pattern.

The fill box and the step vectors are decoupled which means the fill box can be larger or smaller than the step pitch - it can be overlapping and there can be space between the fill box instances. Fill boxes are placed where they fit entirely into a polygon of the region. The fill boxes lower left corner is the reference for the fill pattern and aligns with the origin if given.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.27.


Signature: void fill_region_multi (const Region region, unsigned int fill_cell_index, const Box fc_bbox, const Vector row_step, const Vector column_step, const Vector fill_margin = 0,0, Region ptr remaining_polygons = nil, const Box glue_box = ())

Description: Fills the given region with cells of the given type in enhanced mode with iterations

This version operates like fill_region, but repeats the fill generation until no further fill cells can be placed. As the fill pattern origin changes between the iterations, narrow regions can be filled which cannot with a fixed fill pattern origin. The fill_margin parameter is important as it controls the distance between fill cells with a different origin and therefore introduces a safety distance between pitch-incompatible arrays.

The origin is ignored unless a glue box is given. See fill_region for a description of this concept.

This method has been introduced in version 0.27.


(1) Signature: void flatten (bool prune)

Description: Flattens the given cell

prune:Set to true to remove orphan cells.

This method propagates all shapes from the hierarchy below into the given cell. It also removes the instances of the cells from which the shapes came from, but does not remove the cells themselves if prune is set to false. If prune is set to true, these cells are removed if not used otherwise.

A version of this method exists which allows one to specify the number of hierarchy levels to which subcells are considered.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.

(2) Signature: void flatten (int levels, bool prune)

Description: Flattens the given cell

levels:The number of hierarchy levels to flatten (-1: all, 0: none, 1: one level etc.)
prune:Set to true to remove orphan cells.

This method propagates all shapes from the specified number of hierarchy levels below into the given cell. It also removes the instances of the cells from which the shapes came from, but does not remove the cells themselves if prune is set to false. If prune is set to true, these cells are removed if not used otherwise.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.


Signature: void ghost_cell= (bool flag)

Description: Sets the "ghost cell" flag

See is_ghost_cell? for a description of this property.

This method has been introduced in version 0.20.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'ghost_cell'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] bool has_prop_id?

Description: Returns true, if the cell has user properties

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.


Signature: [const] unsigned int hierarchy_levels

Description: Returns the number of hierarchy levels below

This method returns the number of call levels below the current cell. If there are no child cells, this method will return 0, if there are only direct children, it will return 1.

CAUTION: this method may be expensive!


(1) Signature: Instance insert (const Instance inst)

Description: Inserts a cell instance given by another reference

Returns:An Instance object representing the new instance

This method allows one to copy instances taken from a reference (an Instance object). This method is not suited to inserting instances from other Layouts into this cell. For this purpose, the hierarchical copy methods of Layout have to be used.

It has been added in version 0.16.

(2) Signature: Instance insert (const CellInstArray cell_inst_array)

Description: Inserts a cell instance (array)

Returns:An Instance object representing the new instance

With version 0.16, this method returns an Instance object that represents the new instance. It's use is discouraged in readonly mode, since it invalidates other Instance references.

(3) Signature: Instance insert (const DCellInstArray cell_inst_array)

Description: Inserts a cell instance (array) given in micron units

Returns:An Instance object representing the new instance

This method inserts an instance array, similar to insert with a CellInstArray parameter. But in this version, the argument is a cell instance array given in micrometer units. It is translated to database units internally.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.

(4) Signature: Instance insert (const DCellInstArray cell_inst_array, unsigned long property_id)

Description: Inserts a cell instance (array) given in micron units with properties

Returns:An Instance object representing the new instance

This method inserts an instance array, similar to insert with a CellInstArray parameter and a property set ID. But in this version, the argument is a cell instance array given in micrometer units. It is translated to database units internally.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.

(5) Signature: Instance insert (const CellInstArray cell_inst_array, unsigned long property_id)

Description: Inserts a cell instance (array) with properties

Returns:An Instance object representing the new instance

The property Id must be obtained from the Layout object's property_id method which associates a property set with a property Id. With version 0.16, this method returns an Instance object that represents the new instance. It's use is discouraged in readonly mode, since it invalidates other Instance references.


Signature: [const] bool is_const_object?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference

Use of this method is deprecated. Use _is_const_object? instead

This method returns true, if self is a const reference. In that case, only const methods may be called on self.


Signature: [const] bool is_empty?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the cell is empty

An empty cell is a cell not containing instances nor any shapes.

This method has been introduced in version 0.20.


Signature: [const] bool is_ghost_cell?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the cell is a "ghost cell"

The ghost cell flag is used by the GDS reader for example to indicate that the cell is not located inside the file. Upon writing the reader can determine whether to write the cell or not. To satisfy the references inside the layout, a dummy cell is created in this case which has the "ghost cell" flag set to true.

This method has been introduced in version 0.20.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'ghost_cell'. This is the getter.


Signature: [const] bool is_leaf?

Description: Gets a value indicating whether the cell is a leaf cell

A cell is a leaf cell if there are no child instantiations.


Signature: [const] bool is_library_cell?

Description: Returns true, if the cell is a proxy cell pointing to a library cell

If the cell is imported from some library, this attribute returns true. Please note, that this attribute can combine with is_pcell? for PCells imported from a library.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: [const] bool is_locked?

Description: Gets a value indicating whether the cell is locked

Locked cells cannot be modified in terms of instances (children) and shapes. Locked cells can still be renamed, but cannot be deleted or cleared. Among other things, these features are disabled too: layer operations, copy of instances or shapes, flattening or pruning.

However, wiping the layout entirely with Layout#clear is always possible, even if cells are locked.

Use locked= to set the locked state of the cell.

The lock feature has been introduced in version 0.29.11.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'locked'. This is the getter.


(1) Signature: [const] bool is_pcell_variant?

Description: Returns true, if this cell is a pcell variant

this method returns true, if this cell represents a pcell with a distinct set of parameters (a PCell proxy). This also is true, if the PCell is imported from a library.

Technically, PCells imported from a library are library proxies which are pointing to PCell variant proxies. This scheme can even proceed over multiple indirections, i.e. a library using PCells from another library.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.

(2) Signature: [const] bool is_pcell_variant? (const Instance instance)

Description: Returns true, if this instance is a PCell variant

This method returns true, if this instance represents a PCell with a distinct set of parameters. This method also returns true, if it is a PCell imported from a library.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: [const] bool is_proxy?

Description: Returns true, if the cell presents some external entity

A cell may represent some data which is imported from some other source, i.e. a library. Such cells are called "proxy cells". For a library reference, the proxy cell is some kind of pointer to the library and the cell within the library.

For PCells, this data can even be computed through some script. A PCell proxy represents all instances with a given set of parameters.

Proxy cells cannot be modified, except that pcell parameters can be modified and PCell instances can be recomputed.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: [const] bool is_top?

Description: Gets a value indicating whether the cell is a top-level cell

A cell is a top-level cell if there are no parent instantiations.


Signature: [const] bool is_valid? (const Instance instance)

Description: Tests if the given Instance object is still pointing to a valid object

This method has been introduced in version 0.16. If the instance represented by the given reference has been deleted, this method returns false. If however, another instance has been inserted already that occupies the original instances position, this method will return true again.


(1) Signature: Layout ptr layout

Description: Returns a reference to the layout where the cell resides

this method has been introduced in version 0.22.

(2) Signature: [const] const Layout ptr layout

Description: Returns a reference to the layout where the cell resides (const references)

this method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: [const] Library ptr library

Description: Returns a reference to the library from which the cell is imported

if the cell is not imported from a library, this reference is nil.

this method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: [const] unsigned int library_cell_index

Description: Returns the index of the cell in the layout of the library (if it's a library proxy)

Together with the library method, it is possible to locate the source cell of a library proxy. The source cell can be retrieved from a cell "c" with


This cell may be itself a proxy, i.e. for pcell libraries, where the library cells are pcell variants which itself are proxies to a pcell.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: void locked= (bool l)

Description: Locks or unlocks the cell

Set this predicate to 'true' to lock the cell and to 'false' to unlock it. See is_locked? for details about the lock feature.

The lock feature has been introduced in version 0.29.11.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'locked'. This is the setter.


Signature: void merge_meta_info (const Cell ptr other)

Description: Merges the meta information from the other cell into this cell

See LayoutMetaInfo for details about cells and meta information. Existing keys in this cell will be overwritten by the respective values from the other cell. New keys will be added.

This method has been introduced in version 0.28.16.


Signature: new LayoutMetaInfo ptr meta_info (string name)

Description: Gets the meta information for a given name

See LayoutMetaInfo for details about cells and meta information.

If no meta information with the given name exists, a default object with empty fields will be returned.

This method has been introduced in version 0.28.8.


Signature: variant meta_info_value (string name)

Description: Gets the meta information value for a given name

See LayoutMetaInfo for details about cells and meta information.

If no meta information with the given name exists, a nil value will be returned. A more generic version that delivers all fields of the meta information is meta_info.

This method has been introduced in version 0.28.8.


(1) Signature: void move (unsigned int src, unsigned int dest)

Description: Moves the shapes from the source to the target layer

src:The layer index of the source layer
dest:The layer index of the destination layer

The destination layer is not overwritten. Instead, the shapes are added to the shapes of the destination layer. This method will move shapes within the cell. To move shapes from another cell to this cell, use the copy method with the cell parameter.

This method has been introduced in version 0.19.

(2) Signature: void move (Cell ptr src_cell, unsigned int src_layer, unsigned int dest)

Description: Moves shapes from another cell to the target layer in this cell

src_cell:The cell where to take the shapes from
src_layer:The layer index of the layer from which to take the shapes
dest:The layer index of the destination layer

This method will move all shapes on layer 'src_layer' of cell 'src_cell' to the layer 'dest' of this cell. The destination layer is not overwritten. Instead, the shapes are added to the shapes of the destination layer. If the source cell lives in a layout with a different database unit than that current cell is in, the shapes will be transformed accordingly. The same way, shape properties are transformed as well. Note that the shape transformation may require rounding to smaller coordinates. This may result in a slight distortion of the original shapes, in particular when transforming into a layout with a bigger database unit.


Signature: void move_instances (Cell source_cell)

Description: Moves the instances of child cells in the source cell to this cell

source_cell:The cell where the instances are moved from

The source cell must reside in the same layout than this cell. The instances of child cells inside the source cell are moved to this cell. No new cells are created, just new instances are created to already existing cells in the target cell.

The instances will be added to any existing instances in the cell.

More elaborate methods of moving hierarchy trees between layouts are provided through the move_tree_shapes (in cooperation with the CellMapping class) or move_tree methods.

This method has been added in version 0.23.


(1) Signature: void move_shapes (Cell source_cell)

Description: Moves the shapes from the given cell into this cell

source_cell:The cell from where to move shapes

All shapes are moved from the source cell to this cell. Instances are not moved.

The source cell can reside in a different layout. In this case, the shapes are moved over from the other layout into this layout. Database unit conversion is done automatically if the database units differ between the layouts. Note that this may lead to grid snapping effects if the database unit of the target layout is not an integer fraction of the source layout.

If source and target layout are different, the layers of the source and target layout are identified by their layer/datatype number or name (if no layer/datatype is present). The shapes will be added to any shapes already in the cell.

This method has been added in version 0.23.

(2) Signature: void move_shapes (Cell source_cell, const LayerMapping layer_mapping)

Description: Moves the shapes from the given cell into this cell

source_cell:The cell from where to move shapes
layer_mapping:A LayerMapping object that specifies which layers are moved and where

All shapes on layers specified in the layer mapping object are moved from the source cell to this cell. Instances are not moved. The target layer is taken from the mapping table.

The shapes will be added to any shapes already in the cell.

This method has been added in version 0.23.


Signature: unsigned int[] move_tree (Cell source_cell)

Description: Moves the cell tree of the given cell into this cell

source_cell:The cell from where to move the cell tree
Returns:A list of indexes of newly created cells

The complete cell tree of the source cell is moved to the target cell plus all shapes in that tree are moved as well. This method will basically rebuild the cell tree of the source cell and empty the source cell.

The source cell may reside in a separate layout. This method therefore provides a way to move over complete cell trees from one layout to another.

The shapes and instances will be added to any shapes or instances already in the cell.

This method has been added in version 0.23.


(1) Signature: void move_tree_shapes (Cell source_cell, const CellMapping cell_mapping)

Description: Moves the shapes from the given cell and the cell tree below into this cell or subcells of this cell

source_cell:The starting cell from where to move shapes
cell_mapping:The cell mapping object that determines how cells are identified between source and target layout

This method is provided if source and target cell reside in different layouts. If will move the shapes from all cells below the given source cell, but use a cell mapping object that provides a specification how cells are identified between the layouts. Cells in the source tree, for which no mapping is provided, will be flattened - their shapes will be propagated into parent cells for which a mapping is provided.

The cell mapping object provides various methods to map cell trees between layouts. See the CellMapping class for details about the mapping methods available. The cell mapping object is also responsible for creating a proper hierarchy of cells in the target layout if that is required.

Layers are identified between the layouts by the layer/datatype number of name if no layer/datatype number is present.

The shapes moved will be added to any shapes already in the cells.

This method has been added in version 0.23.

(2) Signature: void move_tree_shapes (Cell source_cell, const CellMapping cell_mapping, const LayerMapping layer_mapping)

Description: Moves the shapes from the given cell and the cell tree below into this cell or subcells of this cell with layer mapping

source_cell:The cell from where to move shapes and instances
cell_mapping:The cell mapping object that determines how cells are identified between source and target layout

This method is provided if source and target cell reside in different layouts. If will move the shapes from all cells below the given source cell, but use a cell mapping object that provides a specification how cells are identified between the layouts. Cells in the source tree, for which no mapping is provided, will be flattened - their shapes will be propagated into parent cells for which a mapping is provided.

The cell mapping object provides various methods to map cell trees between layouts. See the CellMapping class for details about the mapping methods available. The cell mapping object is also responsible for creating a proper hierarchy of cells in the target layout if that is required.

In addition, the layer mapping object can be specified which maps source to target layers. This feature can be used to restrict the move operation to a subset of layers or to convert shapes to different layers in that step.

The shapes moved will be added to any shapes already in the cells.

This method has been added in version 0.23.


Signature: [const] string name

Description: Gets the cell's name

This may be an internal name for proxy cells. See basic_name for the formal name (PCell name or library cell name).

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'name'. This is the getter.


Signature: void name= (string name)

Description: Renames the cell

Renaming a cell may cause name clashes, i.e. the name may be identical to the name of another cell. This does not have any immediate effect, but the cell needs to be renamed, for example when writing the layout to a GDS file.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'name'. This is the setter.


Signature: [static] new Cell ptr new

Description: Creates a new object of this class

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.


Signature: [const] unsigned long parent_cells

Description: Gets the number of parent cells

The number of parent cells (cells which reference our cell) is reported.


(1) Signature: [const] const PCellDeclaration ptr pcell_declaration

Description: Returns a reference to the PCell declaration

If this cell is not a PCell variant, this method returns nil. PCell variants are proxy cells which are PCell incarnations for a specific parameter set. The PCellDeclaration object allows one to retrieve PCell parameter definitions for example.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.

(2) Signature: [const] const PCellDeclaration ptr pcell_declaration (const Instance instance)

Description: Returns the PCell declaration of a pcell instance

If the instance is not a PCell instance, this method returns nil. The PCellDeclaration object allows one to retrieve PCell parameter definitions for example.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: [const] unsigned int pcell_id

Description: Returns the PCell ID if the cell is a pcell variant

This method returns the ID which uniquely identifies the PCell within the layout where it's declared. It can be used to retrieve the PCell declaration or to create new PCell variants.

The method will be rarely used. It's more convenient to use pcell_declaration to directly retrieve the PCellDeclaration object for example.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: [const] Library ptr pcell_library

Description: Returns the library where the PCell is declared if this cell is a PCell and it is not defined locally.

A PCell often is not declared within the current layout but in some library. This method returns a reference to that library, which technically is the last of the chained library proxies. If this cell is not a PCell or it is not located in a library, this method returns nil.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


(1) Signature: [const] variant pcell_parameter (string name)

Description: Gets a PCell parameter by name if the cell is a PCell variant

If the cell is a PCell variant, this method returns the parameter with the given name. If the cell is not a PCell variant or the name is not a valid PCell parameter name, the return value is nil.

This method has been introduced in version 0.25.

(2) Signature: [const] variant pcell_parameter (const Instance instance, string name)

Description: Returns a PCell parameter by name for a pcell instance

If the given instance is a PCell instance, this method returns the value of the PCell parameter with the given name. If the instance is not a PCell instance or the name is not a valid PCell parameter name, this method returns nil.

This method has been introduced in version 0.25.


(1) Signature: [const] variant[] pcell_parameters

Description: Returns the PCell parameters for a pcell variant

If the cell is a PCell variant, this method returns a list of values for the PCell parameters. If the cell is not a PCell variant, this method returns an empty list. This method also returns the PCell parameters if the cell is a PCell imported from a library.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.

(2) Signature: [const] variant[] pcell_parameters (const Instance instance)

Description: Returns the PCell parameters for a pcell instance

If the given instance is a PCell instance, this method returns a list of values for the PCell parameters. If the instance is not a PCell instance, this method returns an empty list.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


(1) Signature: [const] map<string,variant> pcell_parameters_by_name

Description: Returns the PCell parameters for a pcell variant as a name to value dictionary

If the cell is a PCell variant, this method returns a dictionary of values for the PCell parameters with the parameter names as the keys. If the cell is not a PCell variant, this method returns an empty dictionary. This method also returns the PCell parameters if the cell is a PCell imported from a library.

This method has been introduced in version 0.24.

(2) Signature: [const] map<string,variant> pcell_parameters_by_name (const Instance instance)

Description: Returns the PCell parameters for a pcell instance as a name to value dictionary

If the given instance is a PCell instance, this method returns a dictionary of values for the PCell parameters with the parameter names as the keys. If the instance is not a PCell instance, this method returns an empty dictionary.

This method has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: [const] unsigned long prop_id

Description: Gets the properties ID associated with the cell

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'prop_id'. This is the getter.


Signature: void prop_id= (unsigned long id)

Description: Sets the properties ID associated with the cell

This method is provided, if a properties ID has been derived already. Usually it's more convenient to use delete_property, set_property or property.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'prop_id'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] variant properties

Description: Gets the user properties as a hash

This method is a convenience method that gets all user properties as a single hash.

This method has been introduced in version 0.29.5.


Signature: [const] variant property (variant key)

Description: Gets the user property with the given key

This method is a convenience method that gets the property with the given key. If no property with that key exists, it will return nil. Using that method is more convenient than using the layout object and the properties ID to retrieve the property value.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.


(1) Signature: void prune_cell

Description: Deletes the cell plus subcells not used otherwise

This deletes the cell and also all sub cells of the cell which are not used otherwise. All instances of this cell are deleted as well. A version of this method exists which allows one to specify the number of hierarchy levels to which subcells are considered.

After the cell has been deleted, the Cell object becomes invalid. Do not access methods or attributes of this object after deleting the cell.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.

(2) Signature: void prune_cell (int levels)

Description: Deletes the cell plus subcells not used otherwise

levels:The number of hierarchy levels to consider (-1: all, 0: none, 1: one level etc.)

This deletes the cell and also all sub cells of the cell which are not used otherwise. The number of hierarchy levels to consider can be specified as well. One level of hierarchy means that only the direct children of the cell are deleted with the cell itself. All instances of this cell are deleted as well.

After the cell has been deleted, the Cell object becomes invalid. Do not access methods or attributes of this object after deleting the cell.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.


(1) Signature: void prune_subcells

Description: Deletes all sub cells of the cell which are not used otherwise

This deletes all sub cells of the cell which are not used otherwise. All instances of the deleted cells are deleted as well. A version of this method exists which allows one to specify the number of hierarchy levels to which subcells are considered.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.

(2) Signature: void prune_subcells (int levels)

Description: Deletes all sub cells of the cell which are not used otherwise down to the specified level of hierarchy

levels:The number of hierarchy levels to consider (-1: all, 0: none, 1: one level etc.)

This deletes all sub cells of the cell which are not used otherwise. All instances of the deleted cells are deleted as well. It is possible to specify how many levels of hierarchy below the given root cell are considered.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.


Signature: [const] string qname

Description: Returns the library-qualified name

Library cells will be indicated by returning a qualified name composed of the library name, a dot and the basic cell name. For example: "Basic.TEXT" will be the qname of the TEXT cell of the Basic library. For non-library cells, the qname is identical to the basic name (see name).

This method has been introduced in version 0.25.


(1) Signature: unsigned int[] read (string file_name, const LoadLayoutOptions options)

Description: Reads a layout file into this cell

file_name:The path of the file to read
options:The reader options to use
Returns:The indexes of the cells created during the reading (new child cells)

The format of the file will be determined from the file name. The layout will be read into the cell, potentially creating new layers and a subhierarchy of cells below this cell.

This feature is equivalent to the following code:

def Cell.read(file_name, options)
  layout = RBA::Layout::new
  layout.read(file_name, options)
  cm = RBA::CellMapping::new
  cm.for_single_cell_full(self, layout.top_cell)

See move_tree_shapes and CellMapping for more details and how to implement more elaborate schemes.

This method has been introduced in version 0.28.

(2) Signature: unsigned int[] read (string file_name)

Description: Reads a layout file into this cell

This version uses the default options for reading the file.

This method has been introduced in version 0.28.


Signature: void refresh

Description: Refreshes a proxy cell

If the cell is a PCell variant, this method recomputes the PCell. If the cell is a library proxy, this method reloads the information from the library, but not the library itself. Note that if the cell is an PCell variant for a PCell coming from a library, this method will not recompute the PCell. Instead, you can use Library#refresh to recompute all PCells from that library.

You can use Layout#refresh to refresh all cells from a layout.

This method has been introduced in version 0.22.


Signature: void remove_meta_info (string name)

Description: Removes meta information from the cell

See LayoutMetaInfo for details about cells and meta information.

This method has been introduced in version 0.28.8.


(1) Signature: Instance replace (const Instance instance, const CellInstArray cell_inst_array)

Description: Replaces a cell instance (array) with a different one

Returns:An Instance object representing the new instance

This method has been introduced in version 0.16. It can only be used in editable mode. The instance given by the instance object (first argument) is replaced by the given instance (second argument). The new object will not have any properties.

(2) Signature: Instance replace (const Instance instance, const CellInstArray cell_inst_array, unsigned long property_id)

Description: Replaces a cell instance (array) with a different one with properties

Returns:An Instance object representing the new instance

This method has been introduced in version 0.16. It can only be used in editable mode. The instance given by the instance object (first argument) is replaced by the given instance (second argument) with the given properties Id. The property Id must be obtained from the Layout object's property_id method which associates a property set with a property Id. The new object will not have any properties.

(3) Signature: Instance replace (const Instance instance, const DCellInstArray cell_inst_array)

Description: Replaces a cell instance (array) with a different one, given in micrometer units

Returns:An Instance object representing the new instance

This method is identical to the corresponding replace variant with a CellInstArray argument. It however accepts a micrometer-unit DCellInstArray object which is translated to database units internally.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.

(4) Signature: Instance replace (const Instance instance, const DCellInstArray cell_inst_array, unsigned long property_id)

Description: Replaces a cell instance (array) with a different one and new properties, where the cell instance is given in micrometer units

Returns:An Instance object representing the new instance

This method is identical to the corresponding replace variant with a CellInstArray argument and a property ID. It however accepts a micrometer-unit DCellInstArray object which is translated to database units internally.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.


Signature: Instance replace_prop_id (const Instance instance, unsigned long property_id)

Description: Replaces (or install) the properties of a cell

Returns:An Instance object representing the new instance

This method has been introduced in version 0.16. It can only be used in editable mode. Changes the properties Id of the given instance or install a properties Id on that instance if it does not have one yet. The property Id must be obtained from the Layout object's property_id method which associates a property set with a property Id.


Signature: void set_property (variant key, variant value)

Description: Sets the user property with the given key to the given value

This method is a convenience method that sets the property with the given key to the given value. If no property with that key exists, it will create one. Using that method is more convenient than creating a new property set with a new ID and assigning that properties ID. This method may change the properties ID. Note: GDS only supports integer keys. OASIS supports numeric and string keys. This method has been introduced in version 0.23.


(1) Signature: Shapes shapes (unsigned int layer_index)

Description: Returns the shapes list of the given layer

layer_index:The layer index of the shapes list to retrieve
Returns:A reference to the shapes list

This method gives access to the shapes list on a certain layer. If the layer does not exist yet, it is created.

(2) Signature: Shapes shapes (const LayerInfo layer)

Description: Returns the shapes list of the given layer

layer:The layer attributes
Returns:A reference to the shapes list

This version takes a LayerInfo object and will look up the layer index. If no layer exists with these attributes, it will be created.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.29.7.

(3) Signature: [const] const Shapes ptr shapes (unsigned int layer_index)

Description: Returns the shapes list of the given layer (const version)

layer_index:The layer index of the shapes list to retrieve
Returns:A reference to the shapes list

This method gives access to the shapes list on a certain layer. This is the const version - only const (reading) methods can be called on the returned object.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.26.4.

(4) Signature: [const] Shapes shapes (const LayerInfo layer)

Description: Returns the shapes list of the given layer (const version)

layer:The layer attributes
Returns:A reference to the shapes list

This version takes a LayerInfo object and will look up the layer index. An error is raised if no layer with these attributes exists.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.29.7.


Signature: void swap (unsigned int layer_index1, unsigned int layer_index2)

Description: Swaps the layers given

This method swaps two layers inside this cell.


(1) Signature: Instance transform (const Instance instance, const Trans trans)

Description: Transforms the instance with the given transformation

Returns:A reference (an Instance object) to the new instance

This method has been introduced in version 0.16. The original instance may be deleted and re-inserted by this method. Therefore, a new reference is returned. It is permitted in editable mode only.

(2) Signature: Instance transform (const Instance instance, const ICplxTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the instance with the given complex integer transformation

Returns:A reference (an Instance object) to the new instance

This method has been introduced in version 0.23. The original instance may be deleted and re-inserted by this method. Therefore, a new reference is returned. It is permitted in editable mode only.

(3) Signature: Instance transform (const Instance instance, const DTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the instance with the transformation given in micrometer units

Returns:A reference (an Instance object) to the new instance

This method is identical to the corresponding transform method with a Trans argument. For this variant however, the transformation is given in micrometer units and is translated to database units internally.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.

(4) Signature: Instance transform (const Instance instance, const DCplxTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the instance with the given complex floating-point transformation given in micrometer units

Returns:A reference (an Instance object) to the new instance

This method is identical to the corresponding transform method with a ICplxTrans argument. For this variant however, the transformation is given in micrometer units and is translated to database units internally.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.

(5) Signature: void transform (const Trans trans)

Description: Transforms the cell by the given integer transformation

This method transforms all instances and all shapes by the given transformation. There is a variant called transform_into which applies the transformation to instances in a way such that it can be applied recursively to the child cells.

This method has been introduced in version 0.26.7.

(6) Signature: void transform (const ICplxTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the cell by the given complex integer transformation

This method transforms all instances and all shapes by the given transformation. There is a variant called transform_into which applies the transformation to instances in a way such that it can be applied recursively to the child cells. The difference is important in the presence of magnifications: "transform" will leave magnified instances while "transform_into" will not do so but expect the magnification to be applied inside the called cells too.

This method has been introduced in version 0.26.7.

(7) Signature: void transform (const DTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the cell by the given, micrometer-unit transformation

This method transforms all instances and all shapes by the given transformation. There is a variant called transform_into which applies the transformation to instances in a way such that it can be applied recursively to the child cells.

This method has been introduced in version 0.26.7.

(8) Signature: void transform (const DCplxTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the cell by the given, micrometer-unit transformation

This method transforms all instances and all shapes by the given transformation. There is a variant called transform_into which applies the transformation to instances in a way such that it can be applied recursively to the child cells. The difference is important in the presence of magnifications: "transform" will leave magnified instances while "transform_into" will not do so but expect the magnification to be applied inside the called cells too.

This method has been introduced in version 0.26.7.


(1) Signature: Instance transform_into (const Instance instance, const Trans trans)

Description: Transforms the instance into a new coordinate system with the given transformation

Returns:A reference (an Instance object) to the new instance

In contrast to the transform method, this method allows propagation of the transformation into child cells. More precisely: it applies just a part of the given transformation to the instance, such that when transforming the cell instantiated and its shapes with the same transformation, the result will reflect the desired transformation. Mathematically spoken, the transformation of the instance (A) is transformed with the given transformation T using "A' = T * A * Tinv" where Tinv is the inverse of T. In effect, the transformation T commutes with the new instance transformation A' and can be applied to child cells as well. This method is therefore useful to transform a hierarchy of cells.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23. The original instance may be deleted and re-inserted by this method. Therefore, a new reference is returned. It is permitted in editable mode only.

(2) Signature: Instance transform_into (const Instance instance, const ICplxTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the instance into a new coordinate system with the given complex integer transformation

Returns:A reference (an Instance object) to the new instance

See the comments for the simple-transformation version for a description of this method. This method has been introduced in version 0.23. The original instance may be deleted and re-inserted by this method. Therefore, a new reference is returned. It is permitted in editable mode only.

(3) Signature: void transform_into (const Trans trans)

Description: Transforms the cell into a new coordinate system with the given transformation

This method transforms all instances and all shapes. The instances are transformed in a way that allows propagation of the transformation into child cells. For this, it applies just a part of the given transformation to the instance such that when transforming the shapes of the cell instantiated, the result will reflect the desired transformation. Mathematically spoken, the transformation of the instance (A) is transformed with the given transformation T using "A' = T * A * Tinv" where Tinv is the inverse of T. In effect, the transformation T commutes with the new instance transformation A' and can be applied to child cells as well. This method is therefore useful to transform a hierarchy of cells.

It has been introduced in version 0.23.

(4) Signature: void transform_into (const ICplxTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the cell into a new coordinate system with the given complex integer transformation

See the comments for the simple-transformation version for a description of this method. This method has been introduced in version 0.23.

(5) Signature: Instance transform_into (const Instance instance, const DTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the instance into a new coordinate system with the given transformation where the transformation is in micrometer units

Returns:A reference (an Instance object) to the new instance

This method is identical to the corresponding transform_into method with a Trans argument. For this variant however, the transformation is given in micrometer units and is translated to database units internally.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.

(6) Signature: Instance transform_into (const Instance instance, const DCplxTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the instance into a new coordinate system with the given complex transformation where the transformation is in micrometer units

Returns:A reference (an Instance object) to the new instance

This method is identical to the corresponding transform_into method with a ICplxTrans argument. For this variant however, the transformation is given in micrometer units and is translated to database units internally.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.

(7) Signature: void transform_into (const DTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the cell into a new coordinate system with the given transformation where the transformation is in micrometer units

This method is identical to the corresponding transform_into method with a Trans argument. For this variant however, the transformation is given in micrometer units and is translated to database units internally.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.

(8) Signature: void transform_into (const DCplxTrans trans)

Description: Transforms the cell into a new coordinate system with the given complex integer transformation where the transformation is in micrometer units

This method is identical to the corresponding transform_into method with a ICplxTrans argument. For this variant however, the transformation is given in micrometer units and is translated to database units internally.

This variant has been introduced in version 0.25.


(1) Signature: [const] void write (string file_name)

Description: Writes the cell to a layout file

The format of the file will be determined from the file name. Only the cell and its subtree below will be saved.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.

(2) Signature: [const] void write (string file_name, const SaveLayoutOptions options)

Description: Writes the cell to a layout file

The format of the file will be determined from the file name. Only the cell and its subtree below will be saved. In contrast to the other 'write' method, this version allows one to specify save options, i.e. scaling etc.

This method has been introduced in version 0.23.