KLayout 0.29.11 (2025-01-22 ccae17f08) [master]

API reference - Class NetlistCrossReference::NetPairData

Notation used in Ruby API documentation

Module: db

Description: A net match entry.

This class is equivalent to the class NetlistCrossReference::NetPairData

This object is used to describe the relationship of two nets in a netlist match.

Upon successful match, the first and second members are the matching objects and status is 'Match'. This object is also used to describe non-matches or match errors. In this case, first or second may be nil and status further describes the case.

Public methods

[const]const Net ptrfirstGets the first object of the relation pair.
[const]const Net ptrsecondGets the second object of the relation pair.
[const]NetlistCrossReference::StatusstatusGets the status of the relation.

Detailed description


Signature: [const] const Net ptr first

Description: Gets the first object of the relation pair.

The first object is usually the one obtained from the layout-derived netlist. This member can be nil if the pair is describing a non-matching reference object. In this case, the second member is the reference object for which no match was found.


Signature: [const] const Net ptr second

Description: Gets the second object of the relation pair.

The first object is usually the one obtained from the reference netlist. This member can be nil if the pair is describing a non-matching layout object. In this case, the first member is the layout-derived object for which no match was found.


Signature: [const] NetlistCrossReference::Status status

Description: Gets the status of the relation.

This enum described the match status of the relation pair.