KLayout 0.29.11 (2025-01-22 ccae17f08) [master]

API reference - Class NetlistCrossReference::NetTerminalRefPair

Notation used in Ruby API documentation

Module: db

Description: A match entry for a net terminal pair.

This class is equivalent to the class NetlistCrossReference::NetTerminalRefPair

This object is used to describe the matching terminal pairs or non-matching terminals on a net.

Upon successful match, the first and second members are the matching net objects.Otherwise, either first or second is nil and the other member is the object for which no match was found.

Public methods

[const]const NetTerminalRef ptrfirstGets the first object of the relation pair.
[const]const NetTerminalRef ptrsecondGets the second object of the relation pair.

Detailed description


Signature: [const] const NetTerminalRef ptr first

Description: Gets the first object of the relation pair.

The first object is usually the one obtained from the layout-derived netlist. This member can be nil if the pair is describing a non-matching reference object. In this case, the second member is the reference object for which no match was found.


Signature: [const] const NetTerminalRef ptr second

Description: Gets the second object of the relation pair.

The first object is usually the one obtained from the reference netlist. This member can be nil if the pair is describing a non-matching layout object. In this case, the first member is the layout-derived object for which no match was found.