KLayout 0.29.11 (2025-01-22 ccae17f08) [master]

API reference - Class QWindow

Notation used in Ruby API documentation

Module: QtGui

Description: Binding of QWindow

Class hierarchy: QWindow » QObject

Sub-classes: , AncestorMode, QFlags_AncestorMode, Visibility, QFlags_Visibility

Public constructors

new QWindownew(QScreen ptr screen = nullptr)Constructor QWindow::QWindow(QScreen *screen)
new QWindownew(QWindow ptr parent)Constructor QWindow::QWindow(QWindow *parent)

Public methods

[const]QWindow ptr_const_castReturns a non-const reference to self.
void_createEnsures the C++ object is created
void_destroyExplicitly destroys the object
[const]bool_destroyed?Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed
[const]bool_is_const_object?Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference
void_manageMarks the object as managed by the script side.
void_unmanageMarks the object as no longer owned by the script side.
[const]QAccessibleInterface ptraccessibleRootVirtual method QAccessibleInterface *QWindow::accessibleRoot()
[const]boolactiveMethod bool QWindow::isActive()
[signal]voidactiveChangedSignal declaration for QWindow::activeChanged()
voidalert(int msec)Method void QWindow::alert(int msec)
[const]const QObject ptrasConstQObjectDelivers the base class interface QObject of QWindow
[const]const QSurface ptrasConstQSurfaceDelivers the base class interface QSurface of QWindow
QObject ptrasQObjectDelivers the base class interface QObject of QWindow
QSurface ptrasQSurfaceDelivers the base class interface QSurface of QWindow
[const]QSizebaseSizeMethod QSize QWindow::baseSize()
voidbaseSize=(const QSize size)Method void QWindow::setBaseSize(const QSize &size)
boolcloseMethod bool QWindow::close()
[const]Qt_ScreenOrientationcontentOrientationMethod Qt::ScreenOrientation QWindow::contentOrientation()
[signal]voidcontentOrientationChanged(const Qt_ScreenOrientation orientation)Signal declaration for QWindow::contentOrientationChanged(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation)
voidcreateMethod void QWindow::create()
[const]QCursorcursorMethod QCursor QWindow::cursor()
voidcursor=(const QCursor arg1)Method void QWindow::setCursor(const QCursor &)
voiddestroyMethod void QWindow::destroy()
[signal]voiddestroyed(QObject ptr arg1)Signal declaration for QWindow::destroyed(QObject *)
[const]doubledevicePixelRatioMethod double QWindow::devicePixelRatio()
voidemit_activeChangedEmitter for signal void QWindow::activeChanged()
voidemit_contentOrientationChanged(const Qt_ScreenOrientation orientation)Emitter for signal void QWindow::contentOrientationChanged(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation)
voidemit_destroyed(QObject ptr arg1 = nullptr)Emitter for signal void QWindow::destroyed(QObject *)
voidemit_focusObjectChanged(QObject ptr object)Emitter for signal void QWindow::focusObjectChanged(QObject *object)
voidemit_heightChanged(int arg)Emitter for signal void QWindow::heightChanged(int arg)
voidemit_maximumHeightChanged(int arg)Emitter for signal void QWindow::maximumHeightChanged(int arg)
voidemit_maximumWidthChanged(int arg)Emitter for signal void QWindow::maximumWidthChanged(int arg)
voidemit_minimumHeightChanged(int arg)Emitter for signal void QWindow::minimumHeightChanged(int arg)
voidemit_minimumWidthChanged(int arg)Emitter for signal void QWindow::minimumWidthChanged(int arg)
voidemit_modalityChanged(const Qt_WindowModality modality)Emitter for signal void QWindow::modalityChanged(Qt::WindowModality modality)
voidemit_objectNameChanged(string objectName)Emitter for signal void QWindow::objectNameChanged(const QString &objectName)
voidemit_opacityChanged(double opacity)Emitter for signal void QWindow::opacityChanged(double opacity)
voidemit_screenChanged(QScreen ptr screen)Emitter for signal void QWindow::screenChanged(QScreen *screen)
voidemit_visibilityChanged(const QWindow_Visibility visibility)Emitter for signal void QWindow::visibilityChanged(QWindow::Visibility visibility)
voidemit_visibleChanged(bool arg)Emitter for signal void QWindow::visibleChanged(bool arg)
voidemit_widthChanged(int arg)Emitter for signal void QWindow::widthChanged(int arg)
voidemit_windowStateChanged(const Qt_WindowState windowState)Emitter for signal void QWindow::windowStateChanged(Qt::WindowState windowState)
voidemit_windowTitleChanged(string title)Emitter for signal void QWindow::windowTitleChanged(const QString &title)
voidemit_xChanged(int arg)Emitter for signal void QWindow::xChanged(int arg)
voidemit_yChanged(int arg)Emitter for signal void QWindow::yChanged(int arg)
booleventFilter(QObject ptr watched,
QEvent ptr event)
Virtual method bool QWindow::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
[const]stringfilePathMethod QString QWindow::filePath()
voidfilePath=(string filePath)Method void QWindow::setFilePath(const QString &filePath)
[const]Qt_QFlags_WindowTypeflagsMethod QFlags<Qt::WindowType> QWindow::flags()
voidflags=(Qt_QFlags_WindowType flags)Method void QWindow::setFlags(QFlags<Qt::WindowType> flags)
[const]QObject ptrfocusObjectVirtual method QObject *QWindow::focusObject()
[signal]voidfocusObjectChanged(QObject ptr object)Signal declaration for QWindow::focusObjectChanged(QObject *object)
[const]QSurfaceFormatformatVirtual method QSurfaceFormat QWindow::format()
voidformat=(const QSurfaceFormat format)Method void QWindow::setFormat(const QSurfaceFormat &format)
[const]QRectframeGeometryMethod QRect QWindow::frameGeometry()
[const]QMarginsframeMarginsMethod QMargins QWindow::frameMargins()
[const]QPointframePositionMethod QPoint QWindow::framePosition()
voidframePosition=(const QPoint point)Method void QWindow::setFramePosition(const QPoint &point)
[const]QRectgeometryMethod QRect QWindow::geometry()
voidgeometry=(const QRect rect)Method void QWindow::setGeometry(const QRect &rect)
[const]intheightMethod int QWindow::height()
voidheight=(int arg)Method void QWindow::setHeight(int arg)
[signal]voidheightChanged(int arg)Signal declaration for QWindow::heightChanged(int arg)
voidhideMethod void QWindow::hide()
[const]QIconiconMethod QIcon QWindow::icon()
voidicon=(const QIcon icon)Method void QWindow::setIcon(const QIcon &icon)
[const]boolisActive?Method bool QWindow::isActive()
[const]boolisAncestorOf?(const QWindow ptr child,
const QWindow_AncestorMode mode = QWindow::IncludeTransients)
Method bool QWindow::isAncestorOf(const QWindow *child, QWindow::AncestorMode mode)
[const]boolisExposed?Method bool QWindow::isExposed()
[const]boolisModal?Method bool QWindow::isModal()
[const]boolisTopLevel?Method bool QWindow::isTopLevel()
[const]boolisVisible?Method bool QWindow::isVisible()
voidlowerMethod void QWindow::lower()
[const]QPointmapFromGlobal(const QPoint pos)Method QPoint QWindow::mapFromGlobal(const QPoint &pos)
[const]QPointmapToGlobal(const QPoint pos)Method QPoint QWindow::mapToGlobal(const QPoint &pos)
[const]QRegionmaskMethod QRegion QWindow::mask()
voidmask=(const QRegion region)Method void QWindow::setMask(const QRegion &region)
[const]intmaximumHeightMethod int QWindow::maximumHeight()
voidmaximumHeight=(int h)Method void QWindow::setMaximumHeight(int h)
[signal]voidmaximumHeightChanged(int arg)Signal declaration for QWindow::maximumHeightChanged(int arg)
[const]QSizemaximumSizeMethod QSize QWindow::maximumSize()
voidmaximumSize=(const QSize size)Method void QWindow::setMaximumSize(const QSize &size)
[const]intmaximumWidthMethod int QWindow::maximumWidth()
voidmaximumWidth=(int w)Method void QWindow::setMaximumWidth(int w)
[signal]voidmaximumWidthChanged(int arg)Signal declaration for QWindow::maximumWidthChanged(int arg)
[const]intminimumHeightMethod int QWindow::minimumHeight()
voidminimumHeight=(int h)Method void QWindow::setMinimumHeight(int h)
[signal]voidminimumHeightChanged(int arg)Signal declaration for QWindow::minimumHeightChanged(int arg)
[const]QSizeminimumSizeMethod QSize QWindow::minimumSize()
voidminimumSize=(const QSize size)Method void QWindow::setMinimumSize(const QSize &size)
[const]intminimumWidthMethod int QWindow::minimumWidth()
voidminimumWidth=(int w)Method void QWindow::setMinimumWidth(int w)
[signal]voidminimumWidthChanged(int arg)Signal declaration for QWindow::minimumWidthChanged(int arg)
[const]Qt_WindowModalitymodalityMethod Qt::WindowModality QWindow::modality()
voidmodality=(const Qt_WindowModality modality)Method void QWindow::setModality(Qt::WindowModality modality)
[signal]voidmodalityChanged(const Qt_WindowModality modality)Signal declaration for QWindow::modalityChanged(Qt::WindowModality modality)
[signal]voidobjectNameChanged(string objectName)Signal declaration for QWindow::objectNameChanged(const QString &objectName)
[const]doubleopacityMethod double QWindow::opacity()
voidopacity=(double level)Method void QWindow::setOpacity(double level)
[signal]voidopacityChanged(double opacity)Signal declaration for QWindow::opacityChanged(double opacity)
[const]QWindow ptrparent(const QWindow_AncestorMode mode)Method QWindow *QWindow::parent(QWindow::AncestorMode mode)
[const]QWindow ptrparentMethod QWindow *QWindow::parent()
voidparent=(QWindow ptr parent)Method void QWindow::setParent(QWindow *parent)
[const]QPointpositionMethod QPoint QWindow::position()
voidposition=(const QPoint pt)Method void QWindow::setPosition(const QPoint &pt)
voidqt_createMethod void QWindow::create()
voidqt_destroyMethod void QWindow::destroy()
voidqt_raiseMethod void QWindow::raise()
voidraiseMethod void QWindow::raise()
voidreportContentOrientationChange(const Qt_ScreenOrientation orientation)Method void QWindow::reportContentOrientationChange(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation)
voidrequestActivateMethod void QWindow::requestActivate()
voidrequestUpdateMethod void QWindow::requestUpdate()
[const]QSurfaceFormatrequestedFormatMethod QSurfaceFormat QWindow::requestedFormat()
voidresize(const QSize newSize)Method void QWindow::resize(const QSize &newSize)
voidresize(int w,
int h)
Method void QWindow::resize(int w, int h)
[const]QScreen ptrscreenMethod QScreen *QWindow::screen()
voidscreen=(QScreen ptr screen)Method void QWindow::setScreen(QScreen *screen)
[signal]voidscreenChanged(QScreen ptr screen)Signal declaration for QWindow::screenChanged(QScreen *screen)
voidsetBaseSize(const QSize size)Method void QWindow::setBaseSize(const QSize &size)
voidsetCursor(const QCursor arg1)Method void QWindow::setCursor(const QCursor &)
voidsetFilePath(string filePath)Method void QWindow::setFilePath(const QString &filePath)
voidsetFlag(const Qt_WindowType arg1,
bool on = true)
Method void QWindow::setFlag(Qt::WindowType, bool on)
voidsetFlags(Qt_QFlags_WindowType flags)Method void QWindow::setFlags(QFlags<Qt::WindowType> flags)
voidsetFormat(const QSurfaceFormat format)Method void QWindow::setFormat(const QSurfaceFormat &format)
voidsetFramePosition(const QPoint point)Method void QWindow::setFramePosition(const QPoint &point)
voidsetGeometry(int posx,
int posy,
int w,
int h)
Method void QWindow::setGeometry(int posx, int posy, int w, int h)
voidsetGeometry(const QRect rect)Method void QWindow::setGeometry(const QRect &rect)
voidsetHeight(int arg)Method void QWindow::setHeight(int arg)
voidsetIcon(const QIcon icon)Method void QWindow::setIcon(const QIcon &icon)
boolsetKeyboardGrabEnabled(bool grab)Method bool QWindow::setKeyboardGrabEnabled(bool grab)
voidsetMask(const QRegion region)Method void QWindow::setMask(const QRegion &region)
voidsetMaximumHeight(int h)Method void QWindow::setMaximumHeight(int h)
voidsetMaximumSize(const QSize size)Method void QWindow::setMaximumSize(const QSize &size)
voidsetMaximumWidth(int w)Method void QWindow::setMaximumWidth(int w)
voidsetMinimumHeight(int h)Method void QWindow::setMinimumHeight(int h)
voidsetMinimumSize(const QSize size)Method void QWindow::setMinimumSize(const QSize &size)
voidsetMinimumWidth(int w)Method void QWindow::setMinimumWidth(int w)
voidsetModality(const Qt_WindowModality modality)Method void QWindow::setModality(Qt::WindowModality modality)
boolsetMouseGrabEnabled(bool grab)Method bool QWindow::setMouseGrabEnabled(bool grab)
voidsetOpacity(double level)Method void QWindow::setOpacity(double level)
voidsetParent(QWindow ptr parent)Method void QWindow::setParent(QWindow *parent)
voidsetPosition(const QPoint pt)Method void QWindow::setPosition(const QPoint &pt)
voidsetPosition(int posx,
int posy)
Method void QWindow::setPosition(int posx, int posy)
voidsetScreen(QScreen ptr screen)Method void QWindow::setScreen(QScreen *screen)
voidsetSizeIncrement(const QSize size)Method void QWindow::setSizeIncrement(const QSize &size)
voidsetSurfaceType(const QSurface_SurfaceType surfaceType)Method void QWindow::setSurfaceType(QSurface::SurfaceType surfaceType)
voidsetTitle(string arg1)Method void QWindow::setTitle(const QString &)
voidsetTransientParent(QWindow ptr parent)Method void QWindow::setTransientParent(QWindow *parent)
voidsetVisibility(const QWindow_Visibility v)Method void QWindow::setVisibility(QWindow::Visibility v)
voidsetVisible(bool visible)Method void QWindow::setVisible(bool visible)
voidsetWidth(int arg)Method void QWindow::setWidth(int arg)
voidsetWindowState(const Qt_WindowState state)Method void QWindow::setWindowState(Qt::WindowState state)
voidsetWindowStates(Qt_QFlags_WindowState states)Method void QWindow::setWindowStates(QFlags<Qt::WindowState> states)
voidsetX(int arg)Method void QWindow::setX(int arg)
voidsetY(int arg)Method void QWindow::setY(int arg)
voidshowMethod void QWindow::show()
voidshowFullScreenMethod void QWindow::showFullScreen()
voidshowMaximizedMethod void QWindow::showMaximized()
voidshowMinimizedMethod void QWindow::showMinimized()
voidshowNormalMethod void QWindow::showNormal()
[const]QSizesizeVirtual method QSize QWindow::size()
[const]QSizesizeIncrementMethod QSize QWindow::sizeIncrement()
voidsizeIncrement=(const QSize size)Method void QWindow::setSizeIncrement(const QSize &size)
[const]QSurface_SurfaceTypesurfaceTypeVirtual method QSurface::SurfaceType QWindow::surfaceType()
voidsurfaceType=(const QSurface_SurfaceType surfaceType)Method void QWindow::setSurfaceType(QSurface::SurfaceType surfaceType)
[const]stringtitleMethod QString QWindow::title()
voidtitle=(string arg1)Method void QWindow::setTitle(const QString &)
[const]QWindow ptrtransientParentMethod QWindow *QWindow::transientParent()
voidtransientParent=(QWindow ptr parent)Method void QWindow::setTransientParent(QWindow *parent)
[const]Qt_WindowTypetypeMethod Qt::WindowType QWindow::type()
voidunsetCursorMethod void QWindow::unsetCursor()
[const]QWindow_VisibilityvisibilityMethod QWindow::Visibility QWindow::visibility()
voidvisibility=(const QWindow_Visibility v)Method void QWindow::setVisibility(QWindow::Visibility v)
[signal]voidvisibilityChanged(const QWindow_Visibility visibility)Signal declaration for QWindow::visibilityChanged(QWindow::Visibility visibility)
[const]boolvisibleMethod bool QWindow::isVisible()
voidvisible=(bool visible)Method void QWindow::setVisible(bool visible)
[signal]voidvisibleChanged(bool arg)Signal declaration for QWindow::visibleChanged(bool arg)
[const]intwidthMethod int QWindow::width()
voidwidth=(int arg)Method void QWindow::setWidth(int arg)
[signal]voidwidthChanged(int arg)Signal declaration for QWindow::widthChanged(int arg)
[const]unsigned long longwinIdMethod WId QWindow::winId()
[const]Qt_WindowStatewindowStateMethod Qt::WindowState QWindow::windowState()
voidwindowState=(const Qt_WindowState state)Method void QWindow::setWindowState(Qt::WindowState state)
[signal]voidwindowStateChanged(const Qt_WindowState windowState)Signal declaration for QWindow::windowStateChanged(Qt::WindowState windowState)
[const]Qt_QFlags_WindowStatewindowStatesMethod QFlags<Qt::WindowState> QWindow::windowStates()
voidwindowStates=(Qt_QFlags_WindowState states)Method void QWindow::setWindowStates(QFlags<Qt::WindowState> states)
[signal]voidwindowTitleChanged(string title)Signal declaration for QWindow::windowTitleChanged(const QString &title)
[const]intxMethod int QWindow::x()
voidx=(int arg)Method void QWindow::setX(int arg)
[signal]voidxChanged(int arg)Signal declaration for QWindow::xChanged(int arg)
[const]intyMethod int QWindow::y()
voidy=(int arg)Method void QWindow::setY(int arg)
[signal]voidyChanged(int arg)Signal declaration for QWindow::yChanged(int arg)

Public static methods and constants

[static,const]QWindow_VisibilityAutomaticVisibilityEnum constant QWindow::AutomaticVisibility
[static,const]QWindow_AncestorModeExcludeTransientsEnum constant QWindow::ExcludeTransients
[static,const]QWindow_VisibilityFullScreenEnum constant QWindow::FullScreen
[static,const]QWindow_VisibilityHiddenEnum constant QWindow::Hidden
[static,const]QWindow_AncestorModeIncludeTransientsEnum constant QWindow::IncludeTransients
[static,const]QWindow_VisibilityMaximizedEnum constant QWindow::Maximized
[static,const]QWindow_VisibilityMinimizedEnum constant QWindow::Minimized
[static,const]QWindow_VisibilityWindowedEnum constant QWindow::Windowed
QWindow ptrfromWinId(unsigned long long id)Static method QWindow *QWindow::fromWinId(WId id)
QMetaObjectstaticMetaObjectObtains the static MetaObject for this class.
stringtr(string s,
string c = nullptr,
int n = -1)
Static method QString QWindow::tr(const char *s, const char *c, int n)
stringtrUtf8(string s,
string c = nullptr,
int n = -1)
Static method QString QWindow::trUtf8(const char *s, const char *c, int n)

Protected methods (static, non-static and constructors)

voidchildEvent(QChildEvent ptr event)Virtual method void QWindow::childEvent(QChildEvent *event)
voidcustomEvent(QEvent ptr event)Virtual method void QWindow::customEvent(QEvent *event)
voiddisconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod signal)Virtual method void QWindow::disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal)
boolevent(QEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method bool QWindow::event(QEvent *)
voidexposeEvent(QExposeEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::exposeEvent(QExposeEvent *)
voidfocusInEvent(QFocusEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *)
voidfocusOutEvent(QFocusEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *)
voidhideEvent(QHideEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::hideEvent(QHideEvent *)
[const]boolisSignalConnected(const QMetaMethod signal)Method bool QWindow::isSignalConnected(const QMetaMethod &signal)
voidkeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *)
voidkeyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *)
voidmouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *)
voidmouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *)
voidmousePressEvent(QMouseEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *)
voidmouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *)
voidmoveEvent(QMoveEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *)
boolnativeEvent(bytes eventType,
void * message,
long ptr result)
Virtual method bool QWindow::nativeEvent(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long int *result)
[const]intreceivers(string signal)Method int QWindow::receivers(const char *signal)
voidresizeEvent(QResizeEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
[const]QObject ptrsenderMethod QObject *QWindow::sender()
[const]intsenderSignalIndexMethod int QWindow::senderSignalIndex()
voidshowEvent(QShowEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *)
voidtabletEvent(QTabletEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::tabletEvent(QTabletEvent *)
voidtimerEvent(QTimerEvent ptr event)Virtual method void QWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
voidtouchEvent(QTouchEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *)
voidwheelEvent(QWheelEvent ptr arg1)Virtual method void QWindow::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *)

Detailed description


Signature: [static,const] QWindow_Visibility AutomaticVisibility

Description: Enum constant QWindow::AutomaticVisibility

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'AutomaticVisibility'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QWindow_AncestorMode ExcludeTransients

Description: Enum constant QWindow::ExcludeTransients

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'ExcludeTransients'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QWindow_Visibility FullScreen

Description: Enum constant QWindow::FullScreen

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'FullScreen'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QWindow_Visibility Hidden

Description: Enum constant QWindow::Hidden

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Hidden'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QWindow_AncestorMode IncludeTransients

Description: Enum constant QWindow::IncludeTransients

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'IncludeTransients'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QWindow_Visibility Maximized

Description: Enum constant QWindow::Maximized

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Maximized'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QWindow_Visibility Minimized

Description: Enum constant QWindow::Minimized

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Minimized'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QWindow_Visibility Windowed

Description: Enum constant QWindow::Windowed

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'Windowed'. This is the getter.


Signature: [const] QWindow ptr _const_cast

Description: Returns a non-const reference to self.

Basically, this method allows turning a const object reference to a non-const one. This method is provided as last resort to remove the constness from an object. Usually there is a good reason for a const object reference, so using this method may have undesired side effects.

This method has been introduced in version 0.29.6.


Signature: void _create

Description: Ensures the C++ object is created

Use this method to ensure the C++ object is created, for example to ensure that resources are allocated. Usually C++ objects are created on demand and not necessarily when the script object is created.


Signature: void _destroy

Description: Explicitly destroys the object

Explicitly destroys the object on C++ side if it was owned by the script interpreter. Subsequent access to this object will throw an exception. If the object is not owned by the script, this method will do nothing.


Signature: [const] bool _destroyed?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed

This method returns true, if the object was destroyed, either explicitly or by the C++ side. The latter may happen, if the object is owned by a C++ object which got destroyed itself.


Signature: [const] bool _is_const_object?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference

This method returns true, if self is a const reference. In that case, only const methods may be called on self.


Signature: void _manage

Description: Marks the object as managed by the script side.

After calling this method on an object, the script side will be responsible for the management of the object. This method may be called if an object is returned from a C++ function and the object is known not to be owned by any C++ instance. If necessary, the script side may delete the object if the script's reference is no longer required.

Usually it's not required to call this method. It has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: void _unmanage

Description: Marks the object as no longer owned by the script side.

Calling this method will make this object no longer owned by the script's memory management. Instead, the object must be managed in some other way. Usually this method may be called if it is known that some C++ object holds and manages this object. Technically speaking, this method will turn the script's reference into a weak reference. After the script engine decides to delete the reference, the object itself will still exist. If the object is not managed otherwise, memory leaks will occur.

Usually it's not required to call this method. It has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: [const] QAccessibleInterface ptr accessibleRoot

Description: Virtual method QAccessibleInterface *QWindow::accessibleRoot()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] bool active

Description: Method bool QWindow::isActive()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'active'. This is the getter.


Signature: [signal] void activeChanged

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::activeChanged()

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'activeChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'activeChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: void alert (int msec)

Description: Method void QWindow::alert(int msec)


Signature: [const] const QObject ptr asConstQObject

Description: Delivers the base class interface QObject of QWindow

Class QWindow is derived from multiple base classes. This method delivers the QObject base class aspect.

Use this version if you have a const reference.


Signature: [const] const QSurface ptr asConstQSurface

Description: Delivers the base class interface QSurface of QWindow

Class QWindow is derived from multiple base classes. This method delivers the QSurface base class aspect.

Use this version if you have a const reference.


Signature: QObject ptr asQObject

Description: Delivers the base class interface QObject of QWindow

Class QWindow is derived from multiple base classes. This method delivers the QObject base class aspect.


Signature: QSurface ptr asQSurface

Description: Delivers the base class interface QSurface of QWindow

Class QWindow is derived from multiple base classes. This method delivers the QSurface base class aspect.


Signature: [const] QSize baseSize

Description: Method QSize QWindow::baseSize()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'baseSize'. This is the getter.


Signature: void baseSize= (const QSize size)

Description: Method void QWindow::setBaseSize(const QSize &size)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'baseSize'. This is the setter.


Signature: void childEvent (QChildEvent ptr event)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::childEvent(QChildEvent *event)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool close

Description: Method bool QWindow::close()


Signature: [const] Qt_ScreenOrientation contentOrientation

Description: Method Qt::ScreenOrientation QWindow::contentOrientation()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'contentOrientation'. This is the getter.


Signature: [signal] void contentOrientationChanged (const Qt_ScreenOrientation orientation)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::contentOrientationChanged(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'contentOrientationChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'contentOrientationChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: void create

Description: Method void QWindow::create()


Signature: [const] QCursor cursor

Description: Method QCursor QWindow::cursor()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'cursor'. This is the getter.


Signature: void cursor= (const QCursor arg1)

Description: Method void QWindow::setCursor(const QCursor &)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'cursor'. This is the setter.


Signature: void customEvent (QEvent ptr event)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::customEvent(QEvent *event)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void destroy

Description: Method void QWindow::destroy()


Signature: [signal] void destroyed (QObject ptr arg1)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::destroyed(QObject *)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'destroyed'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'destroyed'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] double devicePixelRatio

Description: Method double QWindow::devicePixelRatio()


Signature: void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod signal)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void emit_activeChanged

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::activeChanged()

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_contentOrientationChanged (const Qt_ScreenOrientation orientation)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::contentOrientationChanged(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_destroyed (QObject ptr arg1 = nullptr)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::destroyed(QObject *)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_focusObjectChanged (QObject ptr object)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::focusObjectChanged(QObject *object)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_heightChanged (int arg)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::heightChanged(int arg)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_maximumHeightChanged (int arg)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::maximumHeightChanged(int arg)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_maximumWidthChanged (int arg)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::maximumWidthChanged(int arg)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_minimumHeightChanged (int arg)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::minimumHeightChanged(int arg)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_minimumWidthChanged (int arg)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::minimumWidthChanged(int arg)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_modalityChanged (const Qt_WindowModality modality)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::modalityChanged(Qt::WindowModality modality)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_objectNameChanged (string objectName)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::objectNameChanged(const QString &objectName)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_opacityChanged (double opacity)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::opacityChanged(double opacity)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_screenChanged (QScreen ptr screen)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::screenChanged(QScreen *screen)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_visibilityChanged (const QWindow_Visibility visibility)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::visibilityChanged(QWindow::Visibility visibility)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_visibleChanged (bool arg)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::visibleChanged(bool arg)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_widthChanged (int arg)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::widthChanged(int arg)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_windowStateChanged (const Qt_WindowState windowState)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::windowStateChanged(Qt::WindowState windowState)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_windowTitleChanged (string title)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::windowTitleChanged(const QString &title)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_xChanged (int arg)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::xChanged(int arg)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_yChanged (int arg)

Description: Emitter for signal void QWindow::yChanged(int arg)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: bool event (QEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method bool QWindow::event(QEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool eventFilter (QObject ptr watched, QEvent ptr event)

Description: Virtual method bool QWindow::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void exposeEvent (QExposeEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::exposeEvent(QExposeEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] string filePath

Description: Method QString QWindow::filePath()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'filePath'. This is the getter.


Signature: void filePath= (string filePath)

Description: Method void QWindow::setFilePath(const QString &filePath)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'filePath'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] Qt_QFlags_WindowType flags

Description: Method QFlags<Qt::WindowType> QWindow::flags()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'flags'. This is the getter.


Signature: void flags= (Qt_QFlags_WindowType flags)

Description: Method void QWindow::setFlags(QFlags<Qt::WindowType> flags)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'flags'. This is the setter.


Signature: void focusInEvent (QFocusEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] QObject ptr focusObject

Description: Virtual method QObject *QWindow::focusObject()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [signal] void focusObjectChanged (QObject ptr object)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::focusObjectChanged(QObject *object)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'focusObjectChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'focusObjectChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: void focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] QSurfaceFormat format

Description: Virtual method QSurfaceFormat QWindow::format()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void format= (const QSurfaceFormat format)

Description: Method void QWindow::setFormat(const QSurfaceFormat &format)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'format'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] QRect frameGeometry

Description: Method QRect QWindow::frameGeometry()


Signature: [const] QMargins frameMargins

Description: Method QMargins QWindow::frameMargins()


Signature: [const] QPoint framePosition

Description: Method QPoint QWindow::framePosition()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'framePosition'. This is the getter.


Signature: void framePosition= (const QPoint point)

Description: Method void QWindow::setFramePosition(const QPoint &point)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'framePosition'. This is the setter.


Signature: [static] QWindow ptr fromWinId (unsigned long long id)

Description: Static method QWindow *QWindow::fromWinId(WId id)

This method is static and can be called without an instance.


Signature: [const] QRect geometry

Description: Method QRect QWindow::geometry()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'geometry'. This is the getter.


Signature: void geometry= (const QRect rect)

Description: Method void QWindow::setGeometry(const QRect &rect)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'geometry'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] int height

Description: Method int QWindow::height()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'height'. This is the getter.


Signature: void height= (int arg)

Description: Method void QWindow::setHeight(int arg)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'height'. This is the setter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'height'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void heightChanged (int arg)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::heightChanged(int arg)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'heightChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'heightChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: void hide

Description: Method void QWindow::hide()


Signature: void hideEvent (QHideEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::hideEvent(QHideEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] QIcon icon

Description: Method QIcon QWindow::icon()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'icon'. This is the getter.


Signature: void icon= (const QIcon icon)

Description: Method void QWindow::setIcon(const QIcon &icon)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'icon'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] bool isActive?

Description: Method bool QWindow::isActive()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'active'. This is the getter.


Signature: [const] bool isAncestorOf? (const QWindow ptr child, const QWindow_AncestorMode mode = QWindow::IncludeTransients)

Description: Method bool QWindow::isAncestorOf(const QWindow *child, QWindow::AncestorMode mode)


Signature: [const] bool isExposed?

Description: Method bool QWindow::isExposed()


Signature: [const] bool isModal?

Description: Method bool QWindow::isModal()


Signature: [const] bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod signal)

Description: Method bool QWindow::isSignalConnected(const QMetaMethod &signal)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: [const] bool isTopLevel?

Description: Method bool QWindow::isTopLevel()


Signature: [const] bool isVisible?

Description: Method bool QWindow::isVisible()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'visible'. This is the getter.


Signature: void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void lower

Description: Method void QWindow::lower()


Signature: [const] QPoint mapFromGlobal (const QPoint pos)

Description: Method QPoint QWindow::mapFromGlobal(const QPoint &pos)


Signature: [const] QPoint mapToGlobal (const QPoint pos)

Description: Method QPoint QWindow::mapToGlobal(const QPoint &pos)


Signature: [const] QRegion mask

Description: Method QRegion QWindow::mask()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'mask'. This is the getter.


Signature: void mask= (const QRegion region)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMask(const QRegion &region)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'mask'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] int maximumHeight

Description: Method int QWindow::maximumHeight()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'maximumHeight'. This is the getter.


Signature: void maximumHeight= (int h)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMaximumHeight(int h)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'maximumHeight'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void maximumHeightChanged (int arg)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::maximumHeightChanged(int arg)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'maximumHeightChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'maximumHeightChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] QSize maximumSize

Description: Method QSize QWindow::maximumSize()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'maximumSize'. This is the getter.


Signature: void maximumSize= (const QSize size)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMaximumSize(const QSize &size)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'maximumSize'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] int maximumWidth

Description: Method int QWindow::maximumWidth()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'maximumWidth'. This is the getter.


Signature: void maximumWidth= (int w)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMaximumWidth(int w)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'maximumWidth'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void maximumWidthChanged (int arg)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::maximumWidthChanged(int arg)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'maximumWidthChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'maximumWidthChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] int minimumHeight

Description: Method int QWindow::minimumHeight()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'minimumHeight'. This is the getter.


Signature: void minimumHeight= (int h)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMinimumHeight(int h)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'minimumHeight'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void minimumHeightChanged (int arg)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::minimumHeightChanged(int arg)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'minimumHeightChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'minimumHeightChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] QSize minimumSize

Description: Method QSize QWindow::minimumSize()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'minimumSize'. This is the getter.


Signature: void minimumSize= (const QSize size)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMinimumSize(const QSize &size)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'minimumSize'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] int minimumWidth

Description: Method int QWindow::minimumWidth()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'minimumWidth'. This is the getter.


Signature: void minimumWidth= (int w)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMinimumWidth(int w)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'minimumWidth'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void minimumWidthChanged (int arg)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::minimumWidthChanged(int arg)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'minimumWidthChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'minimumWidthChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] Qt_WindowModality modality

Description: Method Qt::WindowModality QWindow::modality()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'modality'. This is the getter.


Signature: void modality= (const Qt_WindowModality modality)

Description: Method void QWindow::setModality(Qt::WindowModality modality)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'modality'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void modalityChanged (const Qt_WindowModality modality)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::modalityChanged(Qt::WindowModality modality)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'modalityChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'modalityChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void moveEvent (QMoveEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool nativeEvent (bytes eventType, void * message, long ptr result)

Description: Virtual method bool QWindow::nativeEvent(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long int *result)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


(1) Signature: [static] new QWindow new (QScreen ptr screen = nullptr)

Description: Constructor QWindow::QWindow(QScreen *screen)

This method creates an object of class QWindow.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.

(2) Signature: [static] new QWindow new (QWindow ptr parent)

Description: Constructor QWindow::QWindow(QWindow *parent)

This method creates an object of class QWindow.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.


Signature: [signal] void objectNameChanged (string objectName)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::objectNameChanged(const QString &objectName)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'objectNameChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'objectNameChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] double opacity

Description: Method double QWindow::opacity()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'opacity'. This is the getter.


Signature: void opacity= (double level)

Description: Method void QWindow::setOpacity(double level)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'opacity'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void opacityChanged (double opacity)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::opacityChanged(double opacity)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'opacityChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'opacityChanged'. This is the setter.


(1) Signature: [const] QWindow ptr parent (const QWindow_AncestorMode mode)

Description: Method QWindow *QWindow::parent(QWindow::AncestorMode mode)

Python specific notes:
This method is available as 'parent_' in Python to distiguish it from the property with the same name.

(2) Signature: [const] QWindow ptr parent

Description: Method QWindow *QWindow::parent()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'parent'. This is the getter.


Signature: void parent= (QWindow ptr parent)

Description: Method void QWindow::setParent(QWindow *parent)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'parent'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] QPoint position

Description: Method QPoint QWindow::position()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'position'. This is the getter.


Signature: void position= (const QPoint pt)

Description: Method void QWindow::setPosition(const QPoint &pt)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'position'. This is the setter.


Signature: void qt_create

Description: Method void QWindow::create()


Signature: void qt_destroy

Description: Method void QWindow::destroy()


Signature: void qt_raise

Description: Method void QWindow::raise()

Python specific notes:
This attribute is available as 'raise_' in Python.


Signature: void raise

Description: Method void QWindow::raise()

Python specific notes:
This attribute is available as 'raise_' in Python.


Signature: [const] int receivers (string signal)

Description: Method int QWindow::receivers(const char *signal)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void reportContentOrientationChange (const Qt_ScreenOrientation orientation)

Description: Method void QWindow::reportContentOrientationChange(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation)


Signature: void requestActivate

Description: Method void QWindow::requestActivate()


Signature: void requestUpdate

Description: Method void QWindow::requestUpdate()


Signature: [const] QSurfaceFormat requestedFormat

Description: Method QSurfaceFormat QWindow::requestedFormat()


(1) Signature: void resize (const QSize newSize)

Description: Method void QWindow::resize(const QSize &newSize)

(2) Signature: void resize (int w, int h)

Description: Method void QWindow::resize(int w, int h)


Signature: void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] QScreen ptr screen

Description: Method QScreen *QWindow::screen()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'screen'. This is the getter.


Signature: void screen= (QScreen ptr screen)

Description: Method void QWindow::setScreen(QScreen *screen)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'screen'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void screenChanged (QScreen ptr screen)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::screenChanged(QScreen *screen)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'screenChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'screenChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] QObject ptr sender

Description: Method QObject *QWindow::sender()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: [const] int senderSignalIndex

Description: Method int QWindow::senderSignalIndex()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void setBaseSize (const QSize size)

Description: Method void QWindow::setBaseSize(const QSize &size)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'baseSize'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setCursor (const QCursor arg1)

Description: Method void QWindow::setCursor(const QCursor &)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'cursor'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setFilePath (string filePath)

Description: Method void QWindow::setFilePath(const QString &filePath)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'filePath'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setFlag (const Qt_WindowType arg1, bool on = true)

Description: Method void QWindow::setFlag(Qt::WindowType, bool on)


Signature: void setFlags (Qt_QFlags_WindowType flags)

Description: Method void QWindow::setFlags(QFlags<Qt::WindowType> flags)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'flags'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setFormat (const QSurfaceFormat format)

Description: Method void QWindow::setFormat(const QSurfaceFormat &format)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'format'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setFramePosition (const QPoint point)

Description: Method void QWindow::setFramePosition(const QPoint &point)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'framePosition'. This is the setter.


(1) Signature: void setGeometry (int posx, int posy, int w, int h)

Description: Method void QWindow::setGeometry(int posx, int posy, int w, int h)

(2) Signature: void setGeometry (const QRect rect)

Description: Method void QWindow::setGeometry(const QRect &rect)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'geometry'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setHeight (int arg)

Description: Method void QWindow::setHeight(int arg)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'height'. This is the setter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'height'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setIcon (const QIcon icon)

Description: Method void QWindow::setIcon(const QIcon &icon)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'icon'. This is the setter.


Signature: bool setKeyboardGrabEnabled (bool grab)

Description: Method bool QWindow::setKeyboardGrabEnabled(bool grab)


Signature: void setMask (const QRegion region)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMask(const QRegion &region)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'mask'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setMaximumHeight (int h)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMaximumHeight(int h)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'maximumHeight'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setMaximumSize (const QSize size)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMaximumSize(const QSize &size)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'maximumSize'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setMaximumWidth (int w)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMaximumWidth(int w)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'maximumWidth'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setMinimumHeight (int h)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMinimumHeight(int h)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'minimumHeight'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setMinimumSize (const QSize size)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMinimumSize(const QSize &size)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'minimumSize'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setMinimumWidth (int w)

Description: Method void QWindow::setMinimumWidth(int w)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'minimumWidth'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setModality (const Qt_WindowModality modality)

Description: Method void QWindow::setModality(Qt::WindowModality modality)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'modality'. This is the setter.


Signature: bool setMouseGrabEnabled (bool grab)

Description: Method bool QWindow::setMouseGrabEnabled(bool grab)


Signature: void setOpacity (double level)

Description: Method void QWindow::setOpacity(double level)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'opacity'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setParent (QWindow ptr parent)

Description: Method void QWindow::setParent(QWindow *parent)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'parent'. This is the setter.


(1) Signature: void setPosition (const QPoint pt)

Description: Method void QWindow::setPosition(const QPoint &pt)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'position'. This is the setter.

(2) Signature: void setPosition (int posx, int posy)

Description: Method void QWindow::setPosition(int posx, int posy)


Signature: void setScreen (QScreen ptr screen)

Description: Method void QWindow::setScreen(QScreen *screen)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'screen'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setSizeIncrement (const QSize size)

Description: Method void QWindow::setSizeIncrement(const QSize &size)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'sizeIncrement'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setSurfaceType (const QSurface_SurfaceType surfaceType)

Description: Method void QWindow::setSurfaceType(QSurface::SurfaceType surfaceType)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'surfaceType'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setTitle (string arg1)

Description: Method void QWindow::setTitle(const QString &)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'title'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setTransientParent (QWindow ptr parent)

Description: Method void QWindow::setTransientParent(QWindow *parent)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'transientParent'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setVisibility (const QWindow_Visibility v)

Description: Method void QWindow::setVisibility(QWindow::Visibility v)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'visibility'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setVisible (bool visible)

Description: Method void QWindow::setVisible(bool visible)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'visible'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setWidth (int arg)

Description: Method void QWindow::setWidth(int arg)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'width'. This is the setter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'width'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setWindowState (const Qt_WindowState state)

Description: Method void QWindow::setWindowState(Qt::WindowState state)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'windowState'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setWindowStates (Qt_QFlags_WindowState states)

Description: Method void QWindow::setWindowStates(QFlags<Qt::WindowState> states)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'windowStates'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setX (int arg)

Description: Method void QWindow::setX(int arg)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'x'. This is the setter.


Signature: void setY (int arg)

Description: Method void QWindow::setY(int arg)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'y'. This is the setter.


Signature: void show

Description: Method void QWindow::show()


Signature: void showEvent (QShowEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void showFullScreen

Description: Method void QWindow::showFullScreen()


Signature: void showMaximized

Description: Method void QWindow::showMaximized()


Signature: void showMinimized

Description: Method void QWindow::showMinimized()


Signature: void showNormal

Description: Method void QWindow::showNormal()


Signature: [const] QSize size

Description: Virtual method QSize QWindow::size()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.

Python specific notes:
This method is also available as 'len(object)'.


Signature: [const] QSize sizeIncrement

Description: Method QSize QWindow::sizeIncrement()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'sizeIncrement'. This is the getter.


Signature: void sizeIncrement= (const QSize size)

Description: Method void QWindow::setSizeIncrement(const QSize &size)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'sizeIncrement'. This is the setter.


Signature: [static] QMetaObject staticMetaObject

Description: Obtains the static MetaObject for this class.


Signature: [const] QSurface_SurfaceType surfaceType

Description: Virtual method QSurface::SurfaceType QWindow::surfaceType()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void surfaceType= (const QSurface_SurfaceType surfaceType)

Description: Method void QWindow::setSurfaceType(QSurface::SurfaceType surfaceType)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'surfaceType'. This is the setter.


Signature: void tabletEvent (QTabletEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::tabletEvent(QTabletEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void timerEvent (QTimerEvent ptr event)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] string title

Description: Method QString QWindow::title()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'title'. This is the getter.


Signature: void title= (string arg1)

Description: Method void QWindow::setTitle(const QString &)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'title'. This is the setter.


Signature: void touchEvent (QTouchEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [static] string tr (string s, string c = nullptr, int n = -1)

Description: Static method QString QWindow::tr(const char *s, const char *c, int n)

This method is static and can be called without an instance.


Signature: [static] string trUtf8 (string s, string c = nullptr, int n = -1)

Description: Static method QString QWindow::trUtf8(const char *s, const char *c, int n)

This method is static and can be called without an instance.


Signature: [const] QWindow ptr transientParent

Description: Method QWindow *QWindow::transientParent()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'transientParent'. This is the getter.


Signature: void transientParent= (QWindow ptr parent)

Description: Method void QWindow::setTransientParent(QWindow *parent)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'transientParent'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] Qt_WindowType type

Description: Method Qt::WindowType QWindow::type()


Signature: void unsetCursor

Description: Method void QWindow::unsetCursor()


Signature: [const] QWindow_Visibility visibility

Description: Method QWindow::Visibility QWindow::visibility()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'visibility'. This is the getter.


Signature: void visibility= (const QWindow_Visibility v)

Description: Method void QWindow::setVisibility(QWindow::Visibility v)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'visibility'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void visibilityChanged (const QWindow_Visibility visibility)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::visibilityChanged(QWindow::Visibility visibility)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'visibilityChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'visibilityChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] bool visible

Description: Method bool QWindow::isVisible()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'visible'. This is the getter.


Signature: void visible= (bool visible)

Description: Method void QWindow::setVisible(bool visible)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'visible'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void visibleChanged (bool arg)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::visibleChanged(bool arg)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'visibleChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'visibleChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent ptr arg1)

Description: Virtual method void QWindow::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] int width

Description: Method int QWindow::width()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'width'. This is the getter.


Signature: void width= (int arg)

Description: Method void QWindow::setWidth(int arg)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'width'. This is the setter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'width'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void widthChanged (int arg)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::widthChanged(int arg)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'widthChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'widthChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] unsigned long long winId

Description: Method WId QWindow::winId()


Signature: [const] Qt_WindowState windowState

Description: Method Qt::WindowState QWindow::windowState()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'windowState'. This is the getter.


Signature: void windowState= (const Qt_WindowState state)

Description: Method void QWindow::setWindowState(Qt::WindowState state)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'windowState'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void windowStateChanged (const Qt_WindowState windowState)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::windowStateChanged(Qt::WindowState windowState)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'windowStateChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'windowStateChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] Qt_QFlags_WindowState windowStates

Description: Method QFlags<Qt::WindowState> QWindow::windowStates()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'windowStates'. This is the getter.


Signature: void windowStates= (Qt_QFlags_WindowState states)

Description: Method void QWindow::setWindowStates(QFlags<Qt::WindowState> states)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'windowStates'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void windowTitleChanged (string title)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::windowTitleChanged(const QString &title)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'windowTitleChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'windowTitleChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] int x

Description: Method int QWindow::x()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'x'. This is the getter.


Signature: void x= (int arg)

Description: Method void QWindow::setX(int arg)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'x'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void xChanged (int arg)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::xChanged(int arg)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'xChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'xChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] int y

Description: Method int QWindow::y()

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'y'. This is the getter.


Signature: void y= (int arg)

Description: Method void QWindow::setY(int arg)

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a writable attribute 'y'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void yChanged (int arg)

Description: Signal declaration for QWindow::yChanged(int arg)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'yChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'yChanged'. This is the setter.