KLayout 0.29.11 (2025-01-22 ccae17f08) [master]

API reference - Class QSqlRelationalTableModel

Notation used in Ruby API documentation

Module: QtSql

Description: Binding of QSqlRelationalTableModel

Class hierarchy: QSqlRelationalTableModel » QSqlTableModel » QSqlQueryModel » QAbstractTableModel » QAbstractItemModel » QObject

Sub-classes: JoinMode, QFlags_JoinMode

Public constructors

new QSqlRelationalTableModelnew(QObject ptr parent = nullptr,
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase())
Constructor QSqlRelationalTableModel::QSqlRelationalTableModel(QObject *parent, QSqlDatabase db)

Public methods

[const]QSqlRelationalTableModel ptr_const_castReturns a non-const reference to self.
void_createEnsures the C++ object is created
void_destroyExplicitly destroys the object
[const]bool_destroyed?Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed
[const]bool_is_const_object?Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference
void_manageMarks the object as managed by the script side.
void_unmanageMarks the object as no longer owned by the script side.
[signal]voidbeforeDelete(int row)Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeDelete(int row)
[signal]voidbeforeInsert(QSqlRecord record)Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeInsert(QSqlRecord &record)
[signal]voidbeforeUpdate(int row,
QSqlRecord record)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeUpdate(int row, QSqlRecord &record)
[const]QModelIndexbuddy(const QModelIndex index)Virtual method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::buddy(const QModelIndex &index)
[const]boolcanDropMimeData(const QMimeData ptr data,
const Qt_DropAction action,
int row,
int column,
const QModelIndex parent)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::canDropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
[const]boolcanFetchMore(const QModelIndex parent)Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent)
voidclearVirtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::clear()
[const]intcolumnCount(const QModelIndex parent)Virtual method int QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent)
[signal]voidcolumnsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
[signal]voidcolumnsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex sourceParent,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd,
const QModelIndex destinationParent,
int destinationColumn)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationColumn)
[signal]voidcolumnsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
[signal]voidcolumnsInserted(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
[signal]voidcolumnsMoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int start,
int end,
const QModelIndex destination,
int column)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsMoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int column)
[signal]voidcolumnsRemoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
[const]variantdata(const QModelIndex item,
int role)
Virtual method QVariant QSqlRelationalTableModel::data(const QModelIndex &item, int role)
[signal]voiddataChanged(const QModelIndex topLeft,
const QModelIndex bottomRight,
int[] roles)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector<int> &roles)
[signal]voiddestroyed(QObject ptr arg1)Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::destroyed(QObject *)
booldropMimeData(const QMimeData ptr data,
const Qt_DropAction action,
int row,
int column,
const QModelIndex parent)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
voidemit_beforeDelete(int row)Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeDelete(int row)
voidemit_beforeInsert(QSqlRecord record)Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeInsert(QSqlRecord &record)
voidemit_beforeUpdate(int row,
QSqlRecord record)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeUpdate(int row, QSqlRecord &record)
voidemit_columnsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
voidemit_columnsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex sourceParent,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd,
const QModelIndex destinationParent,
int destinationColumn)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationColumn)
voidemit_columnsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
voidemit_columnsInserted(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
voidemit_columnsMoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int start,
int end,
const QModelIndex destination,
int column)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsMoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int column)
voidemit_columnsRemoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
voidemit_dataChanged(const QModelIndex topLeft,
const QModelIndex bottomRight,
int[] roles = QVector<int>())
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector<int> &roles)
voidemit_destroyed(QObject ptr arg1 = nullptr)Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::destroyed(QObject *)
voidemit_headerDataChanged(const Qt_Orientation orientation,
int first,
int last)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::headerDataChanged(Qt::Orientation orientation, int first, int last)
voidemit_layoutAboutToBeChanged(QPersistentModelIndex[] parents = QList<QPersistentModelIndex>(),
const QAbstractItemModel_LayoutChangeHint hint = QAbstractItemModel::NoLayoutChangeHint)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)
voidemit_layoutChanged(QPersistentModelIndex[] parents = QList<QPersistentModelIndex>(),
const QAbstractItemModel_LayoutChangeHint hint = QAbstractItemModel::NoLayoutChangeHint)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::layoutChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)
voidemit_modelAboutToBeResetEmitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::modelAboutToBeReset()
voidemit_modelResetEmitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::modelReset()
voidemit_objectNameChanged(string objectName)Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::objectNameChanged(const QString &objectName)
voidemit_primeInsert(int row,
QSqlRecord record)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::primeInsert(int row, QSqlRecord &record)
voidemit_rowsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
voidemit_rowsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex sourceParent,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd,
const QModelIndex destinationParent,
int destinationRow)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationRow)
voidemit_rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
voidemit_rowsInserted(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
voidemit_rowsMoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int start,
int end,
const QModelIndex destination,
int row)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsMoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int row)
voidemit_rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
boolevent(QEvent ptr event)Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::event(QEvent *event)
booleventFilter(QObject ptr watched,
QEvent ptr event)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
voidfetchMore(const QModelIndex parent)Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent)
[const]Qt_QFlags_ItemFlagflags(const QModelIndex index)Virtual method QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> QSqlRelationalTableModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index)
[const]variantheaderData(int section,
const Qt_Orientation orientation,
int role)
Virtual method QVariant QSqlRelationalTableModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role)
[signal]voidheaderDataChanged(const Qt_Orientation orientation,
int first,
int last)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::headerDataChanged(Qt::Orientation orientation, int first, int last)
[const]QModelIndexindex(int row,
int column,
const QModelIndex parent)
Virtual method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
boolinsertColumns(int column,
int count,
const QModelIndex parent)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::insertColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
boolinsertRows(int row,
int count,
const QModelIndex parent)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
[const]map<int,variant>itemData(const QModelIndex index)Virtual method QMap<int, QVariant> QSqlRelationalTableModel::itemData(const QModelIndex &index)
[signal]voidlayoutAboutToBeChanged(QPersistentModelIndex[] parents,
const QAbstractItemModel_LayoutChangeHint hint)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)
[signal]voidlayoutChanged(QPersistentModelIndex[] parents,
const QAbstractItemModel_LayoutChangeHint hint)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::layoutChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)
[const]QModelIndex[]match(const QModelIndex start,
int role,
variant value,
int hits,
Qt_QFlags_MatchFlag flags)
Virtual method QList<QModelIndex> QSqlRelationalTableModel::match(const QModelIndex &start, int role, const QVariant &value, int hits, QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> flags)
[const]QMimeData ptrmimeData(QModelIndex[] indexes)Virtual method QMimeData *QSqlRelationalTableModel::mimeData(const QList<QModelIndex> &indexes)
[const]string[]mimeTypesVirtual method QStringList QSqlRelationalTableModel::mimeTypes()
[signal]voidmodelAboutToBeResetSignal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::modelAboutToBeReset()
[signal]voidmodelResetSignal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::modelReset()
boolmoveColumns(const QModelIndex sourceParent,
int sourceColumn,
int count,
const QModelIndex destinationParent,
int destinationChild)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::moveColumns(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceColumn, int count, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)
boolmoveRows(const QModelIndex sourceParent,
int sourceRow,
int count,
const QModelIndex destinationParent,
int destinationChild)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::moveRows(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceRow, int count, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)
[signal]voidobjectNameChanged(string objectName)Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::objectNameChanged(const QString &objectName)
[signal]voidprimeInsert(int row,
QSqlRecord record)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::primeInsert(int row, QSqlRecord &record)
[const]QSqlRelationrelation(int column)Method QSqlRelation QSqlRelationalTableModel::relation(int column)
[const]QSqlTableModel ptrrelationModel(int column)Virtual method QSqlTableModel *QSqlRelationalTableModel::relationModel(int column)
boolremoveColumns(int column,
int count,
const QModelIndex parent)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::removeColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
boolremoveRows(int row,
int count,
const QModelIndex parent)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
voidrevertVirtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::revert()
voidrevertRow(int row)Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::revertRow(int row)
[const]map<int,bytes>roleNamesVirtual method QHash<int, QByteArray> QSqlRelationalTableModel::roleNames()
[const]introwCount(const QModelIndex parent)Virtual method int QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent)
[signal]voidrowsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
[signal]voidrowsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex sourceParent,
int sourceStart,
int sourceEnd,
const QModelIndex destinationParent,
int destinationRow)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationRow)
[signal]voidrowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
[signal]voidrowsInserted(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
[signal]voidrowsMoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int start,
int end,
const QModelIndex destination,
int row)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsMoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int row)
[signal]voidrowsRemoved(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
boolselectVirtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::select()
boolselectRow(int row)Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::selectRow(int row)
boolsetData(const QModelIndex item,
variant value,
int role)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::setData(const QModelIndex &item, const QVariant &value, int role)
voidsetEditStrategy(const QSqlTableModel_EditStrategy strategy)Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::EditStrategy strategy)
voidsetFilter(string filter)Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setFilter(const QString &filter)
boolsetHeaderData(int section,
const Qt_Orientation orientation,
variant value,
int role)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::setHeaderData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &value, int role)
boolsetItemData(const QModelIndex index,
map<int,variant> roles)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::setItemData(const QModelIndex &index, const QMap<int, QVariant> &roles)
voidsetJoinMode(const QSqlRelationalTableModel_JoinMode joinMode)Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setJoinMode(QSqlRelationalTableModel::JoinMode joinMode)
voidsetRelation(int column,
const QSqlRelation relation)
Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setRelation(int column, const QSqlRelation &relation)
voidsetSort(int column,
const Qt_SortOrder order)
Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setSort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
voidsetTable(string tableName)Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setTable(const QString &tableName)
[const]QModelIndexsibling(int row,
int column,
const QModelIndex idx)
Virtual method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::sibling(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &idx)
voidsort(int column,
const Qt_SortOrder order)
Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
[const]QSizespan(const QModelIndex index)Virtual method QSize QSqlRelationalTableModel::span(const QModelIndex &index)
boolsubmitVirtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::submit()
[const]Qt_QFlags_DropActionsupportedDragActionsVirtual method QFlags<Qt::DropAction> QSqlRelationalTableModel::supportedDragActions()
[const]Qt_QFlags_DropActionsupportedDropActionsVirtual method QFlags<Qt::DropAction> QSqlRelationalTableModel::supportedDropActions()

Public static methods and constants

[static,const]QSqlRelationalTableModel_JoinModeInnerJoinEnum constant QSqlRelationalTableModel::InnerJoin
[static,const]QSqlRelationalTableModel_JoinModeLeftJoinEnum constant QSqlRelationalTableModel::LeftJoin
QMetaObjectstaticMetaObjectObtains the static MetaObject for this class.
stringtr(string s,
string c = nullptr,
int n = -1)
Static method QString QSqlRelationalTableModel::tr(const char *s, const char *c, int n)
stringtrUtf8(string s,
string c = nullptr,
int n = -1)
Static method QString QSqlRelationalTableModel::trUtf8(const char *s, const char *c, int n)

Protected methods (static, non-static and constructors)

voidbeginInsertColumns(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginInsertColumns(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
voidbeginInsertRows(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginInsertRows(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
boolbeginMoveColumns(const QModelIndex sourceParent,
int sourceFirst,
int sourceLast,
const QModelIndex destinationParent,
int destinationColumn)
Method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginMoveColumns(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationColumn)
boolbeginMoveRows(const QModelIndex sourceParent,
int sourceFirst,
int sourceLast,
const QModelIndex destinationParent,
int destinationRow)
Method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginMoveRows(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationRow)
voidbeginRemoveColumns(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginRemoveColumns(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
voidbeginRemoveRows(const QModelIndex parent,
int first,
int last)
Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginRemoveRows(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
voidbeginResetModelMethod void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginResetModel()
voidchangePersistentIndex(const QModelIndex from,
const QModelIndex to)
Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::changePersistentIndex(const QModelIndex &from, const QModelIndex &to)
voidchangePersistentIndexList(QModelIndex[] from,
QModelIndex[] to)
Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::changePersistentIndexList(const QList<QModelIndex> &from, const QList<QModelIndex> &to)
voidchildEvent(QChildEvent ptr event)Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::childEvent(QChildEvent *event)
[const]QModelIndexcreateIndex(int row,
int column,
void * data = nullptr)
Method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::createIndex(int row, int column, void *data)
[const]QModelIndexcreateIndex(int row,
int column,
unsigned long long id)
Method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::createIndex(int row, int column, quintptr id)
voidcustomEvent(QEvent ptr event)Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::customEvent(QEvent *event)
booldecodeData(int row,
int column,
const QModelIndex parent,
QDataStream stream)
Method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::decodeData(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent, QDataStream &stream)
booldeleteRowFromTable(int row)Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::deleteRowFromTable(int row)
voiddisconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod signal)Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal)
[const]voidencodeData(QModelIndex[] indexes,
QDataStream stream)
Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::encodeData(const QList<QModelIndex> &indexes, QDataStream &stream)
voidendInsertColumnsMethod void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endInsertColumns()
voidendInsertRowsMethod void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endInsertRows()
voidendMoveColumnsMethod void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endMoveColumns()
voidendMoveRowsMethod void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endMoveRows()
voidendRemoveColumnsMethod void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endRemoveColumns()
voidendRemoveRowsMethod void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endRemoveRows()
voidendResetModelMethod void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endResetModel()
[const]QModelIndexindexInQuery(const QModelIndex item)Virtual method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::indexInQuery(const QModelIndex &item)
boolinsertRowIntoTable(const QSqlRecord values)Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::insertRowIntoTable(const QSqlRecord &values)
[const]boolisSignalConnected(const QMetaMethod signal)Method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::isSignalConnected(const QMetaMethod &signal)
[const]stringorderByClauseVirtual method QString QSqlRelationalTableModel::orderByClause()
[const]QModelIndex[]persistentIndexListMethod QList<QModelIndex> QSqlRelationalTableModel::persistentIndexList()
[const]QSqlRecordprimaryValues(int row)Method QSqlRecord QSqlRelationalTableModel::primaryValues(int row)
voidqueryChangeVirtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::queryChange()
[const]intreceivers(string signal)Method int QSqlRelationalTableModel::receivers(const char *signal)
voidresetInternalDataMethod void QSqlRelationalTableModel::resetInternalData()
[const]stringselectStatementVirtual method QString QSqlRelationalTableModel::selectStatement()
[const]QObject ptrsenderMethod QObject *QSqlRelationalTableModel::sender()
[const]intsenderSignalIndexMethod int QSqlRelationalTableModel::senderSignalIndex()
voidsetLastError(const QSqlError error)Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setLastError(const QSqlError &error)
voidsetPrimaryKey(const QSqlIndex key)Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setPrimaryKey(const QSqlIndex &key)
voidsetQuery(const QSqlQuery query)Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setQuery(const QSqlQuery &query)
voidtimerEvent(QTimerEvent ptr event)Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
boolupdateRowInTable(int row,
const QSqlRecord values)
Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::updateRowInTable(int row, const QSqlRecord &values)

Detailed description


Signature: [static,const] QSqlRelationalTableModel_JoinMode InnerJoin

Description: Enum constant QSqlRelationalTableModel::InnerJoin

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'InnerJoin'. This is the getter.


Signature: [static,const] QSqlRelationalTableModel_JoinMode LeftJoin

Description: Enum constant QSqlRelationalTableModel::LeftJoin

Python specific notes:
The class exposes a readable attribute 'LeftJoin'. This is the getter.


Signature: [const] QSqlRelationalTableModel ptr _const_cast

Description: Returns a non-const reference to self.

Basically, this method allows turning a const object reference to a non-const one. This method is provided as last resort to remove the constness from an object. Usually there is a good reason for a const object reference, so using this method may have undesired side effects.

This method has been introduced in version 0.29.6.


Signature: void _create

Description: Ensures the C++ object is created

Use this method to ensure the C++ object is created, for example to ensure that resources are allocated. Usually C++ objects are created on demand and not necessarily when the script object is created.


Signature: void _destroy

Description: Explicitly destroys the object

Explicitly destroys the object on C++ side if it was owned by the script interpreter. Subsequent access to this object will throw an exception. If the object is not owned by the script, this method will do nothing.


Signature: [const] bool _destroyed?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the object was already destroyed

This method returns true, if the object was destroyed, either explicitly or by the C++ side. The latter may happen, if the object is owned by a C++ object which got destroyed itself.


Signature: [const] bool _is_const_object?

Description: Returns a value indicating whether the reference is a const reference

This method returns true, if self is a const reference. In that case, only const methods may be called on self.


Signature: void _manage

Description: Marks the object as managed by the script side.

After calling this method on an object, the script side will be responsible for the management of the object. This method may be called if an object is returned from a C++ function and the object is known not to be owned by any C++ instance. If necessary, the script side may delete the object if the script's reference is no longer required.

Usually it's not required to call this method. It has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: void _unmanage

Description: Marks the object as no longer owned by the script side.

Calling this method will make this object no longer owned by the script's memory management. Instead, the object must be managed in some other way. Usually this method may be called if it is known that some C++ object holds and manages this object. Technically speaking, this method will turn the script's reference into a weak reference. After the script engine decides to delete the reference, the object itself will still exist. If the object is not managed otherwise, memory leaks will occur.

Usually it's not required to call this method. It has been introduced in version 0.24.


Signature: [signal] void beforeDelete (int row)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeDelete(int row)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'beforeDelete'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'beforeDelete'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void beforeInsert (QSqlRecord record)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeInsert(QSqlRecord &record)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'beforeInsert'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'beforeInsert'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void beforeUpdate (int row, QSqlRecord record)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeUpdate(int row, QSqlRecord &record)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'beforeUpdate'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'beforeUpdate'. This is the setter.


Signature: void beginInsertColumns (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginInsertColumns(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void beginInsertRows (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginInsertRows(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: bool beginMoveColumns (const QModelIndex sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex destinationParent, int destinationColumn)

Description: Method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginMoveColumns(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationColumn)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: bool beginMoveRows (const QModelIndex sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex destinationParent, int destinationRow)

Description: Method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginMoveRows(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationRow)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void beginRemoveColumns (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginRemoveColumns(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void beginRemoveRows (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginRemoveRows(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void beginResetModel

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beginResetModel()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: [const] QModelIndex buddy (const QModelIndex index)

Description: Virtual method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::buddy(const QModelIndex &index)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] bool canDropMimeData (const QMimeData ptr data, const Qt_DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::canDropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] bool canFetchMore (const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void changePersistentIndex (const QModelIndex from, const QModelIndex to)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::changePersistentIndex(const QModelIndex &from, const QModelIndex &to)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void changePersistentIndexList (QModelIndex[] from, QModelIndex[] to)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::changePersistentIndexList(const QList<QModelIndex> &from, const QList<QModelIndex> &to)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void childEvent (QChildEvent ptr event)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::childEvent(QChildEvent *event)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void clear

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::clear()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] int columnCount (const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method int QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [signal] void columnsAboutToBeInserted (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'columnsAboutToBeInserted'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'columnsAboutToBeInserted'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void columnsAboutToBeMoved (const QModelIndex sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex destinationParent, int destinationColumn)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationColumn)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'columnsAboutToBeMoved'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'columnsAboutToBeMoved'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void columnsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'columnsAboutToBeRemoved'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'columnsAboutToBeRemoved'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void columnsInserted (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'columnsInserted'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'columnsInserted'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void columnsMoved (const QModelIndex parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex destination, int column)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsMoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int column)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'columnsMoved'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'columnsMoved'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void columnsRemoved (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'columnsRemoved'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'columnsRemoved'. This is the setter.


(1) Signature: [const] QModelIndex createIndex (int row, int column, void * data = nullptr)

Description: Method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::createIndex(int row, int column, void *data)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.

(2) Signature: [const] QModelIndex createIndex (int row, int column, unsigned long long id)

Description: Method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::createIndex(int row, int column, quintptr id)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void customEvent (QEvent ptr event)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::customEvent(QEvent *event)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] variant data (const QModelIndex item, int role)

Description: Virtual method QVariant QSqlRelationalTableModel::data(const QModelIndex &item, int role)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [signal] void dataChanged (const QModelIndex topLeft, const QModelIndex bottomRight, int[] roles)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector<int> &roles)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'dataChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'dataChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: bool decodeData (int row, int column, const QModelIndex parent, QDataStream stream)

Description: Method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::decodeData(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent, QDataStream &stream)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: bool deleteRowFromTable (int row)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::deleteRowFromTable(int row)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [signal] void destroyed (QObject ptr arg1)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::destroyed(QObject *)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'destroyed'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'destroyed'. This is the setter.


Signature: void disconnectNotify (const QMetaMethod signal)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool dropMimeData (const QMimeData ptr data, const Qt_DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void emit_beforeDelete (int row)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeDelete(int row)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_beforeInsert (QSqlRecord record)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeInsert(QSqlRecord &record)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_beforeUpdate (int row, QSqlRecord record)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::beforeUpdate(int row, QSqlRecord &record)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_columnsAboutToBeInserted (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_columnsAboutToBeMoved (const QModelIndex sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex destinationParent, int destinationColumn)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationColumn)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_columnsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_columnsInserted (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_columnsMoved (const QModelIndex parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex destination, int column)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsMoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int column)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_columnsRemoved (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::columnsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_dataChanged (const QModelIndex topLeft, const QModelIndex bottomRight, int[] roles = QVector<int>())

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector<int> &roles)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_destroyed (QObject ptr arg1 = nullptr)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::destroyed(QObject *)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_headerDataChanged (const Qt_Orientation orientation, int first, int last)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::headerDataChanged(Qt::Orientation orientation, int first, int last)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_layoutAboutToBeChanged (QPersistentModelIndex[] parents = QList<QPersistentModelIndex>(), const QAbstractItemModel_LayoutChangeHint hint = QAbstractItemModel::NoLayoutChangeHint)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_layoutChanged (QPersistentModelIndex[] parents = QList<QPersistentModelIndex>(), const QAbstractItemModel_LayoutChangeHint hint = QAbstractItemModel::NoLayoutChangeHint)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::layoutChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_modelAboutToBeReset

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::modelAboutToBeReset()

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_modelReset

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::modelReset()

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_objectNameChanged (string objectName)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::objectNameChanged(const QString &objectName)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_primeInsert (int row, QSqlRecord record)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::primeInsert(int row, QSqlRecord &record)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_rowsAboutToBeInserted (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_rowsAboutToBeMoved (const QModelIndex sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex destinationParent, int destinationRow)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationRow)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_rowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_rowsInserted (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_rowsMoved (const QModelIndex parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex destination, int row)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsMoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int row)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: void emit_rowsRemoved (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Emitter for signal void QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

Call this method to emit this signal.


Signature: [const] void encodeData (QModelIndex[] indexes, QDataStream stream)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::encodeData(const QList<QModelIndex> &indexes, QDataStream &stream)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void endInsertColumns

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endInsertColumns()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void endInsertRows

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endInsertRows()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void endMoveColumns

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endMoveColumns()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void endMoveRows

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endMoveRows()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void endRemoveColumns

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endRemoveColumns()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void endRemoveRows

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endRemoveRows()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void endResetModel

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::endResetModel()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: bool event (QEvent ptr event)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::event(QEvent *event)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool eventFilter (QObject ptr watched, QEvent ptr event)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void fetchMore (const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] Qt_QFlags_ItemFlag flags (const QModelIndex index)

Description: Virtual method QFlags<Qt::ItemFlag> QSqlRelationalTableModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] variant headerData (int section, const Qt_Orientation orientation, int role)

Description: Virtual method QVariant QSqlRelationalTableModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [signal] void headerDataChanged (const Qt_Orientation orientation, int first, int last)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::headerDataChanged(Qt::Orientation orientation, int first, int last)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'headerDataChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'headerDataChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] QModelIndex index (int row, int column, const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] QModelIndex indexInQuery (const QModelIndex item)

Description: Virtual method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::indexInQuery(const QModelIndex &item)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool insertColumns (int column, int count, const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::insertColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool insertRowIntoTable (const QSqlRecord values)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::insertRowIntoTable(const QSqlRecord &values)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool insertRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] bool isSignalConnected (const QMetaMethod signal)

Description: Method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::isSignalConnected(const QMetaMethod &signal)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: [const] map<int,variant> itemData (const QModelIndex index)

Description: Virtual method QMap<int, QVariant> QSqlRelationalTableModel::itemData(const QModelIndex &index)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [signal] void layoutAboutToBeChanged (QPersistentModelIndex[] parents, const QAbstractItemModel_LayoutChangeHint hint)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'layoutAboutToBeChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'layoutAboutToBeChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void layoutChanged (QPersistentModelIndex[] parents, const QAbstractItemModel_LayoutChangeHint hint)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::layoutChanged(const QList<QPersistentModelIndex> &parents, QAbstractItemModel::LayoutChangeHint hint)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'layoutChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'layoutChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] QModelIndex[] match (const QModelIndex start, int role, variant value, int hits, Qt_QFlags_MatchFlag flags)

Description: Virtual method QList<QModelIndex> QSqlRelationalTableModel::match(const QModelIndex &start, int role, const QVariant &value, int hits, QFlags<Qt::MatchFlag> flags)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] QMimeData ptr mimeData (QModelIndex[] indexes)

Description: Virtual method QMimeData *QSqlRelationalTableModel::mimeData(const QList<QModelIndex> &indexes)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] string[] mimeTypes

Description: Virtual method QStringList QSqlRelationalTableModel::mimeTypes()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [signal] void modelAboutToBeReset

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::modelAboutToBeReset()

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'modelAboutToBeReset'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'modelAboutToBeReset'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void modelReset

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::modelReset()

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'modelReset'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'modelReset'. This is the setter.


Signature: bool moveColumns (const QModelIndex sourceParent, int sourceColumn, int count, const QModelIndex destinationParent, int destinationChild)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::moveColumns(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceColumn, int count, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool moveRows (const QModelIndex sourceParent, int sourceRow, int count, const QModelIndex destinationParent, int destinationChild)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::moveRows(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceRow, int count, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [static] new QSqlRelationalTableModel new (QObject ptr parent = nullptr, QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase())

Description: Constructor QSqlRelationalTableModel::QSqlRelationalTableModel(QObject *parent, QSqlDatabase db)

This method creates an object of class QSqlRelationalTableModel.

Python specific notes:
This method is the default initializer of the object.


Signature: [signal] void objectNameChanged (string objectName)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::objectNameChanged(const QString &objectName)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'objectNameChanged'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'objectNameChanged'. This is the setter.


Signature: [const] string orderByClause

Description: Virtual method QString QSqlRelationalTableModel::orderByClause()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] QModelIndex[] persistentIndexList

Description: Method QList<QModelIndex> QSqlRelationalTableModel::persistentIndexList()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: [const] QSqlRecord primaryValues (int row)

Description: Method QSqlRecord QSqlRelationalTableModel::primaryValues(int row)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: [signal] void primeInsert (int row, QSqlRecord record)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::primeInsert(int row, QSqlRecord &record)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'primeInsert'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'primeInsert'. This is the setter.


Signature: void queryChange

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::queryChange()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] int receivers (string signal)

Description: Method int QSqlRelationalTableModel::receivers(const char *signal)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: [const] QSqlRelation relation (int column)

Description: Method QSqlRelation QSqlRelationalTableModel::relation(int column)


Signature: [const] QSqlTableModel ptr relationModel (int column)

Description: Virtual method QSqlTableModel *QSqlRelationalTableModel::relationModel(int column)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool removeColumns (int column, int count, const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::removeColumns(int column, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool removeRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void resetInternalData

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::resetInternalData()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void revert

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::revert()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void revertRow (int row)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::revertRow(int row)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] map<int,bytes> roleNames

Description: Virtual method QHash<int, QByteArray> QSqlRelationalTableModel::roleNames()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] int rowCount (const QModelIndex parent)

Description: Virtual method int QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [signal] void rowsAboutToBeInserted (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'rowsAboutToBeInserted'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'rowsAboutToBeInserted'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void rowsAboutToBeMoved (const QModelIndex sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex destinationParent, int destinationRow)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationRow)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'rowsAboutToBeMoved'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'rowsAboutToBeMoved'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void rowsAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'rowsAboutToBeRemoved'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'rowsAboutToBeRemoved'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void rowsInserted (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'rowsInserted'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'rowsInserted'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void rowsMoved (const QModelIndex parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex destination, int row)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsMoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destination, int row)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'rowsMoved'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'rowsMoved'. This is the setter.


Signature: [signal] void rowsRemoved (const QModelIndex parent, int first, int last)

Description: Signal declaration for QSqlRelationalTableModel::rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)

You can bind a procedure to this signal.

Python specific notes:
The object exposes a readable attribute 'rowsRemoved'. This is the getter.
The object exposes a writable attribute 'rowsRemoved'. This is the setter.


Signature: bool select

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::select()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool selectRow (int row)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::selectRow(int row)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] string selectStatement

Description: Virtual method QString QSqlRelationalTableModel::selectStatement()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] QObject ptr sender

Description: Method QObject *QSqlRelationalTableModel::sender()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: [const] int senderSignalIndex

Description: Method int QSqlRelationalTableModel::senderSignalIndex()

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: bool setData (const QModelIndex item, variant value, int role)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::setData(const QModelIndex &item, const QVariant &value, int role)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void setEditStrategy (const QSqlTableModel_EditStrategy strategy)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::EditStrategy strategy)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void setFilter (string filter)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setFilter(const QString &filter)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool setHeaderData (int section, const Qt_Orientation orientation, variant value, int role)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::setHeaderData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QVariant &value, int role)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: bool setItemData (const QModelIndex index, map<int,variant> roles)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::setItemData(const QModelIndex &index, const QMap<int, QVariant> &roles)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void setJoinMode (const QSqlRelationalTableModel_JoinMode joinMode)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setJoinMode(QSqlRelationalTableModel::JoinMode joinMode)


Signature: void setLastError (const QSqlError error)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setLastError(const QSqlError &error)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void setPrimaryKey (const QSqlIndex key)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setPrimaryKey(const QSqlIndex &key)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void setQuery (const QSqlQuery query)

Description: Method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setQuery(const QSqlQuery &query)

This method is protected and can only be called from inside a derived class.


Signature: void setRelation (int column, const QSqlRelation relation)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setRelation(int column, const QSqlRelation &relation)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void setSort (int column, const Qt_SortOrder order)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setSort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void setTable (string tableName)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::setTable(const QString &tableName)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] QModelIndex sibling (int row, int column, const QModelIndex idx)

Description: Virtual method QModelIndex QSqlRelationalTableModel::sibling(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &idx)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void sort (int column, const Qt_SortOrder order)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] QSize span (const QModelIndex index)

Description: Virtual method QSize QSqlRelationalTableModel::span(const QModelIndex &index)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [static] QMetaObject staticMetaObject

Description: Obtains the static MetaObject for this class.


Signature: bool submit

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::submit()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] Qt_QFlags_DropAction supportedDragActions

Description: Virtual method QFlags<Qt::DropAction> QSqlRelationalTableModel::supportedDragActions()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [const] Qt_QFlags_DropAction supportedDropActions

Description: Virtual method QFlags<Qt::DropAction> QSqlRelationalTableModel::supportedDropActions()

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: void timerEvent (QTimerEvent ptr event)

Description: Virtual method void QSqlRelationalTableModel::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.


Signature: [static] string tr (string s, string c = nullptr, int n = -1)

Description: Static method QString QSqlRelationalTableModel::tr(const char *s, const char *c, int n)

This method is static and can be called without an instance.


Signature: [static] string trUtf8 (string s, string c = nullptr, int n = -1)

Description: Static method QString QSqlRelationalTableModel::trUtf8(const char *s, const char *c, int n)

This method is static and can be called without an instance.


Signature: bool updateRowInTable (int row, const QSqlRecord values)

Description: Virtual method bool QSqlRelationalTableModel::updateRowInTable(int row, const QSqlRecord &values)

This method can be reimplemented in a derived class.