The Layout Object

For the original documentation refer to The Database API and Layout Class Reference.

The Layout object is the most important and central object in KLayout’s database API. A Layout object basically represents a GDS, OASIS or other format file.

To create a Layout object from a file use “read”:

import klayout.db as db

ly = db.Layout()"my_layout.gds")

In layout-generating applications, a Layout object will usually be created from scratch and then written to a file with “write”:

import klayout.db as db

ly = db.Layout()

# ... add layers, cells, instances, shapes


Database Unit

The database unit is a very basic concept in GDS and many other formats.

GDS stores coordinates as integer multiples of some basic unit - the database unit. This is the fundamental resolution of a GDS file. Unless you use scaled instances (which I do not recommend). The database unit should not be too small as GDS is employing 32 bit coordinates - this limits the total physical dimension you can map with a given database unit. The default database unit of 1 nm is usually a good compromise.

The database unit is given in micrometers and read or written with the Layout’s “dbu” property:

import klayout.db as db

ly = db.Layout()
print("Current DBU is: " + str(ly.dbu))
ly.dbu = 0.00025
print("New DBU is: " + str(ly.dbu))

Micrometer and Integer Units

The klayout module offers two representations for many objects: in micrometer coordinates and in integer-unit coordinates. The latter coordinates need to be multiplied by the layout’s database unit to obtain micrometer units.

In most cases, there is a duality. Here are some examples:

Object/Method Micrometer units Integer units
Rectangle DBox class Box class
Polygon DPolygon class Polygon class
Path DPath class Path class
Label DText class Text class
Regions (polygon sets) not available Region class
Cell placement DCellInstArray class CellInstArray class
Cell bounding box Cell.dbbox method Cell.bbox method
Simple transformation DTrans class Trans class
Complex transformation DCplxTrans class ICplxTrans class

Editable and Non-Editable mode

By default, layouts are created in non-editable mode. This does not mean that a layout cannot be manipulated, but non-editable mode has some consequences:

  • When reading OASIS files, shapes are stored as shape arrays. Hence memory requirements are typically less
  • Adding objects to a layout is safe. Manipulating existing layouts is not. Manipulations may fail and in some cases, the application may crash.

Editable-mode layouts are less efficient in terms of memory footprint and are more safe in general when it comes to manipulations of existing objects.

To create a layout in editable mode use:

import klayout.db as db

ly_editable = db.Layout(True)"my_layout.gds")

# ...