Points and Vectors

For original class documentation see Point class reference, DPoint class reference, Vector class reference and DVector class reference.

Unlike other systems, KLayout differentiates between vectors and points. This is some important concept that helps avoiding some mistakes. But it is important to understand the idea. It is a basic concept of KLayout’s geometry API.

Points are fixed coordinates in a 2 dimensions coordinate space. Vectors connect points. Technically, a vector is made from the difference of the coordinates of two points.

Vectors and points are simple pairs of a x and a y value. The respective classes are Vector or DVector for vectors and Point and DPoint for points.

Points and vectors arithmetically behave this way:

  • point - point gives a vector
  • point + vector or Point - Vector gives a point
  • vector + vector or vector - vector gives a vector

For convenience, points can be added although formally this is not within the framework.

The main difference between points and vectors is their behavior in transformations: on applying a transformation, the displacement is not applied to vectors while it is applied to points.

Rationale: if t is a transformation and p1 and p2 are points, then t * (p2 - p1) should be t * p2 - t * p1. In this case, the displacement cancels out and only the rotation / mirror is applied. In KLayout’s framework p2 - p1 renders a vector and to a vector, only the rotation/mirror part is applied. The result of t * (p2 - p1) and t * p2 - t * p1 is identical.

In KLayout’s API, points play a role mainly for defining the vertexes of polygons or the segments of a path. Vectors are used for example as displacements for transformations and as arguments in various operations.

The default point is the origin:

import klayout.db as db

p0 = db.DPoint()

print("p0 is " + str(p0))


p0 is 0,0

Adding a vector to a point shifts it:

import klayout.db as db

p1 = db.DPoint(1.0, 2.0)
v = db.DVector(1, 1)

print("p1+" + str(v) + " is " + str(p1 + v))


p1+1,1 is 2,3

The difference of two points gives a vector:

import klayout.db as db

p1 = db.DPoint(1.0, 2.0)
print("p1 is " + str(p1))
p2 = db.DPoint(-2.0, 5.0)
print("p2 is " + str(p2))

v12 = p2 - p1
print("v12=p2-p1 is " + str(v12) + " (class " + type(v).__name__ + ")")


p1 is 1,2
p2 is -2,5
v12=p2-p1 is -3,3 (class DVector)

The displacement is not applied to vectors, so distribution of the product renders the same result:

import klayout.db as db

p1 = db.DPoint(1.0, 2.0)
print("p1 is " + str(p1))
p2 = db.DPoint(-2.0, 5.0)
print("p2 is " + str(p2))

t = db.DTrans(db.DTrans.R90, 1.0, 2.0) 
print("t is " + str(t))
print("t*(p2-p1) is " + str(t * (p2 - p1)))
print("t*p2-t*p1 is " + str(t * p2 - t * p1))


p1 is 1,2
p2 is -2,5
t is r90 1,2
t*(p2-p1) is -3,-3
t*p2-t*p1 is -3,-3