PCell Instances

This sample shows show to create PCell instances. It uses “TEXT” from the “Basic” library which needs to be enabled by using import klayout.lib.

Note: The PCell parameters are specific for the kind of PCell. Code to list the parameters for all PCells from the “Basic” library can be downloaded here: list_pcell_parameters.py.


import klayout.db as db

# This will enable the Basic library
import klayout.lib

ly = db.Layout()
top_cell = ly.create_cell("TOP")
layer = ly.layer(1, 0)

# The parameter names are specific for the 
parameters = {
  "layer": db.LayerInfo(1, 0),
  "text": "KLAYOUT",
  "mag": 10.0

cell = ly.create_cell("TEXT", "Basic", parameters)

top_cell.insert(db.CellInstArray(cell.cell_index(), db.DTrans()))




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