Flat Gratings
This example generates three different gratings with identical bar widths but different pitches.
The gratings are created “flat”, i.e. by iterating the coordinates and creating a box for each line.
import klayout.db as db
import math
ly = db.Layout()
top_cell = ly.create_cell("TOP")
layer = ly.layer(1, 0)
width = 1.0
height = 10.0
length = 100.0
y = 0.0
for pitch in [ 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 ]:
n = math.floor(length / pitch)
for i in range(0, n):
pt = db.DPoint(i * pitch, y)
box = db.DBox(pt, pt + db.DVector(width, height))
y += height * 1.5