KLayout 0.29.11 (2025-01-22 ccae17f08) [master]
KLayout Documentation (Qt 5): Main Index » KLayout User Manual » Advanced Topics » Import Other Layout Files
Import Other Layout Files
This function can merge other layouts into the layout loaded. Merging means that the hierarchy of the specified layout is
inserted into the given layout. Different modes are available that control the way how the hierarchy is merged.
This function is available in the "File" menu as "Import/Other File Into Current".
The workflow for importing a different layout is this:
- Specify the file to input. At least the file name is required. Additionally, a cell can be specified. In that case,
only the cells referred to by the given cell (directly or indirectly) are imported. Reader options can be specified separately
for the import. Reader options are applied the same way than the reader options are used for the standard load function.
- Specify the import mode. The modes are described below.
- Specify the layer mapping. Either the shapes are imported on their original layer or an offset can be used that will be added
to the layer to form the target layer of the import. An offset of "1000/0" for example specifies to add 1000 to the layer and
use the original datatype.
- Specify an optional transformation. The imported layout will be transformed accordingly. The transformation can be specified explicitly
or with up to three points which are mapped onto each other.
Four import modes are available that control how the hierarchy of the imported layout is
inserted into the existing layout:
- Merge: in this mode, the contents of the imported cell will be put into the current cell and
the child hierarchy is added below the current cell.
- Extra: in this mode, new top level cells containing the hierarchy tree of the
imported cell or cells will be created. In this mode, multiple cells can be imported
if the imported layout contains multiple top cells. Leave the cell specification empty for this.
- Instantiate: the imported cell will be instantiated into the current cell as a separate
- Merge hierarchy: The fourth mode is a little bit more complex. Basically it works like
"Merge", but identifies corresponding cells and merges the contents for the
corresponding imported cells into the original cells.
The algorithm identifies corresponding cells by requiring that the flat
instances of the imported child cell exactly equal the flat instances of the
corresponding original cell (where flat refers to the instances of a cell in
the context of the current cell). This is done by selectively thinning out the
candidate list and finally employing a name similarity measure to resolve
The import function will create new cell names using the "$x" suffix to avoid name ambiguities.