KLayout 0.29.11 (2025-01-22 ccae17f08) [master]
KLayout Documentation (Qt 4): Main Index » KLayout User Manual » KLayout Basics » Choosing A Hierarchy Depth
Choosing A Hierarchy Depth
By default, only the bounding box of the cell selected is shown. This
corresponds to zero hierarchy levels being shown. If you select one more
level of hierarchy (Levels 0 to 1), this content of the child cells of
the current cell are drawn, but grandchildren (children of child cells)
are drawn as boxes. Increasing the hierarchy levels will draw more
and more details of child cells until all cells below the current
cell are drawn in detail.
To select more hierarchy levels
- Select "Full Hierarchy" from the "Display" menu or press the "*" key to
show all hierarchy levels
- Select "Box Only" from the "Display" menu or press the "0" key to show
only the bounding box (the default)
- Select "Top Level Only" from the "Display" menu or press the "1" key to
show the top level elements
- Select "Increment Hierarchy" from the "Display" menu or press the "+"
key to show one more hierarchy level
- Select "Decrement Hierarchy" from the "Display" menu or press the "-"
key to show one hierarchy level less
- Use the hierarchy level entry fields below the cell list to change the
current minimum or maximum level